
bǔ lāo
  • fish for;fish;catch
捕捞 [bǔ lāo]
  • [fish] 捕捉和打捞水生生物

  • 捕捞对虾

捕捞[bǔ lāo]
  1. 如果探索频道纪实片《致命捕捞》(DeadliestCatch)能给我们任何提示,那就是这份工作无疑是最危险的一种。

    If Deadliest Catch , is any indication , this job is certainly one of the toughest .

  2. 通过与SELECT模型比较,认为模型使用选择性方程并区分渔获能力和捕捞努力量使得模型更具普遍性。

    Compared with SELECT model , this model was found to be more general than the SELECT model because of the usage of selection equation and the separation of fishing power and catch effort .

  3. 政府已经决定对鳕鱼捕捞设定限额。

    The government has decided to set a quota for cod fishing .

  4. 他们不可以在我们的海域捕捞金枪鱼。

    They cannot poach tuna from our waters .

  5. 这些传统包括几个世纪以来被称之为“bul”的旧习俗,领导人会要求暂停捕捞一些重要与种类的鱼,给鱼类总储备量繁衍补充的机会。

    These include the centuries-old custom of " bul " , where leaders would call a temporary stop to fishing for key species in order to give fish stocks an opportunity to replenish .

  6. 在海洋中,我们以工业规模捕捞鳕鱼等顶级捕食者,而在陆地上,我们捕杀狼等大型捕食者。

    In the ocean , we fished for top predators such as cod on an industrial scale , while on land , we killed off large predators such as wolves .

  7. 我们正在聊着,只见一条颜色鲜艳的捕捞沙丁鱼的船抛了锚。

    As we chatted , a brightly painted sardine boat dropped anchor .

  8. 由于异常的高温,秘鲁海岸的海水温度变化异常,影响了当地的凤尾鱼捕捞业。

    Waters off the Peruvian coast become unusually warm , destroying the local anchovy fishing industry .

  9. 当地渔民一直在捕捞较小的鲨鱼,出口到澳大利亚的炸鱼和薯条店。

    Local fishermen have been catching7 smaller sharks to export to fish and chip shops in Australia .

  10. 科学家们呼吁政府制定有科学依据的捕捞上限,以确保这些神奇非凡的动物能有一个更光明美好的未来。

    They 're calling on governments to set science-based fishing limits to secure a brighter future for these extraordinary animals .

  11. 科学家们说动物数量下降是灾难性的,也是人类燃烧森林、过度捕捞海洋生物和破坏野生空间对地球造成影响的确凿的证据。

    They described the decline as catastrophic and clear evidence of the impact humans are having on the planet through burning forests , overfishing the seas and destroying wild spaces .

  12. 她的观点是,大白鲨的数量多年来一直在悄声无息地减少,原因是气候变化、污染和过度捕捞这一系列人类活动。

    Her view is that the great white population has been shrinking unnoticed for many years because of climate change , pollution , overfishing – a range of human activities .

  13. 科学家们说,过度捕捞鲨鱼和鳐鱼危害整个海洋生态系统的健康,同时危及世界上一些最贫穷国家的粮食安全。

    The scientists say overfishing of sharks and rays jeopardises the health of entire ocean ecosystems3 , as well as food security for some of the world 's poorest countries .

  14. SPF理论及其在捕捞能力计算中的应用

    The theory of SPF and its application to fishing capacity

  15. 二是限制捕捞总量,对浙江省实施总可捕量(TAC)制度的可行性分析;

    To limit the total yield of fishing . To analyze the feasibility of implement of the Total Allowable Catch ( TAC ) in Zhejiang province .

  16. 联合国粮农组织(FoodandAgricultureOrganisation)的数据显示,2000年至2008年,渔业总产量增长了13%;这一增长是由养殖鱼产量贡献的,捕捞鱼产量则出现了下降。

    Total fishery production has risen 13 per cent between 2000 and 2008 , according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organisation . That growth has come from farmed fish , and there has been a decrease in captured fish , according to the data .

  17. 首先应用GLM模型评价时间、空间、环境以及捕捞渔船参数对CPUE的影响,并确定显著性变量。

    Firstly , GLM was applied to evaluate impacts of temporal , spatial , environmental , fisheries operational variables on the CPUE , and the significant factors .

  18. 实际种群分析(VPA)是渔业评估的经典方法之一,被广泛应用于分析渔业的历史数据、估算渔业种群的资源量及捕捞死亡系数。

    Virtual population analysis is one of classical methods in fishery stock estimation , which is used to analyze the history data , and to estimate the population abundance and the fishing mortality .

  19. 再依据B-H模型计算、分析在不同开捕年龄和不同捕捞强度下的单位补充量渔获尾数、单位补充量平均资源重量、渔获物平均年龄和单位补充量渔获量的情况。

    B-H model is adopted to analyze catch numbers per recruit , average stock weight per recruit , average age of catch and catch amount per recruit .

  20. 2000年该海区的实际年捕捞量为217.2×104t,超过了渔业资源的剩余产量80.22×104t。

    However , the actual fishing catch in 2000 was 217.2 × 10 ~ 4 t which was more 80.22 × 10 ~ 4 t than the surplus yields of assessment results .

  21. 现存资源量评估结果为2.51×104t,7.12×108尾,资源发生量处于历史较高水平,但种群处于严重补充型捕捞过度。

    The evaluation of the extant abundance was 2.51 × 10 4 tons , that is about 7.12 × 10 8 individuals . The abundance of resource was in a higher level , but the population was supplementing pattern in serious overfishing .

  22. 高度洄游的大洋性金枪鱼类(Scombridae)是世界远洋渔业的重要捕捞对象,中国金枪鱼生产仍处于初期发展阶段,因此研究和预测金枪鱼渔场具有重要的现实意义。

    Highly migration tuna is one of the most important fishing objects of high sea fisheries of the world . At present , the tuna fishery of China is at the primary development period , and it is practically significant to engage in forecasting and studying on tuna fishing grounds .

  23. 光暗周期下底拖萤光网作业对鱼类的捕捞效应

    Effects of fluorescent trawl net on fish catches in periodic darkness

  24. 我国海洋捕捞业可持续发展问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures on Sustainable Development of Marine Fisheries of China

  25. 底拖网作业捕捞努力量标准化方法研究

    An Approach to the Standardization of Fishing Effort of Bottom Trawl

  26. 沿海捕捞渔民转产转业的实证分析与政策研究

    Positive Analyses and Policy Study on Dual-Transform of the Marine Fishermen

  27. 山东省海洋捕捞业结构调整研究

    Studies on adjusting the structure of marine catching of Shandong Province

  28. 海洋渔业捕捞优化模型及其可持续发展策略研究

    Analysis on Optimization Model of Ocean Fishing and Sustainable Development Strategy

  29. 封闭渔场收入优化的捕捞规划模型

    Fishing plan model for the optimization of earnings of closed fishery

  30. 很多礁石已被过度捕捞面临消失的绝境。

    Many reefs have been fished to a point of extinction .