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  • windshield
  1. 他们驱车回家,一路上挡风玻璃上的雨刮器不停地呼呼刮着。

    They drove home with their windshield wipers going whoosh whoosh .

  2. 他刮掉了挡风玻璃上的雪。

    He brushed the snow off the windshield .

  3. 暴徒把一块砖猛地扔向汽车,砸破了挡风玻璃。

    Rioters hurled a brick through the car 's windscreen .

  4. 太阳照在挡风玻璃上,晃得他一时看不见东西。

    The sun hit the windscreen , momentarily blinding him .

  5. 子弹从汽车引擎盖和挡风玻璃上弹飞了。

    The bullets ricocheted off the bonnet and windscreen .

  6. 现在的挡风玻璃都由夹层玻璃制成。

    Modern windscreens are made from laminated glass .

  7. 挡风玻璃上的雨刮“啪嗒啪嗒”地来回摆动。

    The windscreen wipers thudded back and forth

  8. 一天清晨,她发现自己汽车的挡风玻璃雨刷下插着一支玫瑰。

    She found a rose tucked under the windscreen wiper of her car one morning .

  9. 挡风玻璃上的雨刷咔嗒咔嗒来回摆动。

    The windshield wipers clacked back and forth

  10. 挡风玻璃在时速420英里时破碎。

    At 420mph the windscreen disintegrated .

  11. 汽车挡风玻璃上的任何一条裂缝看起来总是正对着司机的视线。

    Any crack in a car windscreen always seems to be right in the driver 's line of vision .

  12. 在电视里,假人穿过挡风玻璃飞出去的警示镜头我们见得多了,知道不系安全带的危险。

    We 've all seen enough dummies catapulting through windscreens in TV warnings to know the dangers of not wearing seat belts

  13. 汽车挡风玻璃上雨刷的速度是可变的。

    The speed of the windscreen wipers is variable .

  14. 挡风玻璃让雾气给遮住了。

    The windscreen has fogged .

  15. 他们称,这将有助于减少假酒交易。在英国各地非法销售的假酒中可能含有危险的化学物质,包括挡风玻璃清洗液和漂白剂。

    They claim it could help to reduce the trade in counterfeit3 alcohol , which is sold illegally across the UK and can contain dangerous chemicals , including windscreen washer and bleach4 .

  16. 这辆汽车的挡风玻璃上印有的红色X标记暗示着这辆汽车没有运载武器。

    The red circle with the X through it on the windshield of this NGO vehicle means it is carrying no arms .

  17. 于鑫泉拿起一把扳手,把几分钟前刚刚交付的一辆白色特斯拉ModelS的前挡风玻璃砸碎。这一幕发生在周五,被砸车辆价值人民币100万元(约合173600美元)。

    Minutes after taking delivery of a white Tesla Model S on Friday in Beijing , Yu Xinquan took a wrench and smashed the front windshield of the one million yuan ( about $ 173600 ) vehicle .

  18. 以货车前挡风玻璃钢化风栅成形器的一个拼镶块工作表面和风栅孔五轴NC加工为例进行仿真。

    The five-axis NC machining of surface and windshield holes , as an example , was simulated according to the smoothing method .

  19. 汽车前挡风玻璃用ITO薄膜的隔热及节能实验研究

    Experimental studies on thermal shielding and saving energy of the coated ITO film for automobile front windshield

  20. DG/*挡风玻璃雨刷开关信号

    DG / Windshield Wiper Switch Signal

  21. 我们注意到设计师利用Rationale来解释使用固定在挡风玻璃上的传感器的原因。

    Note that the designer captures a Rationale comment to explain his choice for using a sensor fixed on the windshield .

  22. 奥森找到当地生产的一个手动操作的刮水器,名叫雨胶(RainRubber),当时使用的挡风玻璃分为上下两部分,雨胶沿着两块玻璃之间的缺口滑动。

    Oishei found a locally made , hand-operated wiper called the Rain Rubber , which slid along the gap between the upper and lower panels of the split windscreens that were then in use .

  23. 通过隔热、节能实验,深入分析了ITO薄膜用于汽车前挡风玻璃的可能性。

    The possibility of applying Indium Tin Oxide ( ITO ) film on automobile front windshield has been analyzed by conducting the thermal shielding and the energy saving experiments .

  24. 它还有一个有趣的功能:魔力车身控制系统(MagicBodyControl)。它利用前挡风玻璃上方的立体摄像头来扫描前方路面状况,寻找可能表明路面有障碍物的阴影和反差,以便预测颠簸从而立即调整气垫。

    Here 's a fun one : Magic Body Control , which uses stereoscopic cameras integrated into the windshield header to read the road ahead , looking for shadow and contrast that might indicate a perturbation in pavement , so it can instantly adjust the air suspension in anticipation of the bump .

  25. 这项被称为车辆的挡风玻璃清洁系统的专利,于2013年3月由捷豹路虎(JLR)提出,并于本周授予。

    The patent , called ' Windscreen clearing system for a vehicle ' , was filed by Jaguar Land Rover ( JLR ) in March 2013 and awarded this week .

  26. RSW的目标是无论任何时候挡风玻璃外表面检测到液滴时,都能够自动化的进行擦洗(无需用户干预)。

    The goal of the RSW is to wipe the surface of the windshield automatically ( i.e. , without user intervention ) whenever droplets of liquid are detected on the windshield 's exterior surface .

  27. 这项被称为“车辆的挡风玻璃清洁系统”的专利,于2013年3月由捷豹路虎(JLR)提出,并于本周授予。而最早发现它的其实是Gizmag。

    The patent , called ' Windscreen clearing system for a vehicle ' , was filed by Jaguar Land Rover ( JLR ) in March 2013 and awarded this week . It was originally spotted by Gizmag .

  28. JLR补充说,这项关于挡风玻璃雨刷系统的专利主要针对但不仅限于后挡风玻璃雨刷系统,后者在探测到司机眼球朝后视镜方向移动时自动启用。

    JLR added that the patent refers to a windscreen wiper system for a vehicle ' and particularly , but not exclusively , to a rear windscreen wiper system ' that operates automatically in response to detecting eye-movement of a driver of the vehicle toward a rear-view mirror .

  29. 挡风玻璃的碎片切开她的前额。

    The glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead .

  30. 说真的,达雷尔你应该擦一下你的挡风玻璃了。

    Really , Darrell , you need to clean your windshield .