
  • 网络lacidipine
  1. 拉西地平对CTGF诱导大鼠心肌细胞肥大的影响及其与ERK1/2的关系

    Effect of lacidipine on cardiac myocyte hypertrophy induced by CTGF and its relationship with ERK1 / 2

  2. 应用动态血压监测分析拉西地平的降压疗效

    Antihypertensive efficacy of lacidipine analysed by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

  3. 拉西地平和阿替洛尔长期抗高血压治疗时心脏结构和功能的改变:欧洲关于拉西地平在治疗动脉粥样硬化中作用的研究(ELSA)

    Cardiac structural and functional changes during long-term antihypertensive treatment with lacidipine and atenolol in the European Lacidipine Study on Atherosclerosis ( ELSA )

  4. 应用拉西地平对30例轻、中型高血压病(EH)患者治疗4周。观测治疗前后血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力、脂质过氧化物(LPO)及空腹胰岛素(Ins)水平。

    Thirty patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension had received four weeks treatment with Lacidipine and serum lipid peroxide ( LPO ), superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and insulin levels were measured before and after treatment .

  5. 结论拉西地平能有效地减缓动脉粥样硬化的发展。

    Conclusion Lacidipine has notable effect on retarding AS development .

  6. 拉西地平对绝经后高血压患者的成骨性效应

    Osteogenic effect of calcium channel blocker lacidipine in post menopause hypertensive patients

  7. 拉西地平抗同型半胱氨酸诱导的人脐静脉内皮细胞血管新生能力减低作用及机制

    Effects and Mechanisms of Lacidipine Against Angiogenesis Inhibition of HUVEC Induced by Homocysteine

  8. 拉西地平联合阿托伐他汀对高血压合并颈动脉粥样斑块患者粥样斑块的影响

    Effect of lacidipine combined with atorvastatin on patients suffering hypertension with carotid atheromatous plaque

  9. 目的探讨拉西地平抗动脉粥样硬化(AS)的新进展及其实验研究思路。

    Objective To investigate the development of lacidipine santi-AS and ideas of experiment research .

  10. 拉西地平与硝苯地平控释片治疗高血压的疗效比较

    Comparison of Lacidipine with Nifedipine Controlled Release Tablets in the Curative Effect on Hypertension

  11. 国产与进口拉西地平片剂人体药动学研究

    Pharmacokinetics of domestic and foreign lacidipine tablets

  12. 拉西地平软胶囊研制

    Study on Manufacture of Lacidipine Soft Capsule

  13. 新型钙拮抗剂拉西地平的药理与临床应用

    Pharmacology and clinical uses of lacidipine

  14. 拉西地平致急性荨麻疹伴血管性水肿

    Lacidipine-induced acute urticaria and angioedema

  15. 拉西地平改善原发性高血压左室舒张功能的效果评价

    Assessment of effect of Lacidipine on the diastolic function of left ventricle in hypertension patients based ultrasound cardiogram

  16. 目的:观察新的钙拮抗剂拉西地平的降压作用。

    Objective : The study was designed to observe the hypotensive effect of lacidipine , a new calcium antagonist .

  17. 前言:目的:制备拉西地平软胶囊,解决现有剂型生物利用低的问题。

    Objective : preparing lacidipine soft capsule , solve the problem which is availability low of existing dosage form .

  18. 目的:测定国产与进口拉西地平片剂的血药浓度,进行药动学参数比较。

    OBJECTIVE : To determine the blood concentration of domestic and foreign lacidipine tablets , and compare their pharmacokinetic parameters .

  19. 比索洛尔、拉西地平和赖诺普利对高血压病患者24小时血压的影响

    The efficacy of once daily bisoprolol , lacidipine and lisinopril on 24 hour blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension

  20. 结果:拉西地平和川芎嗪均能显著阻抑缺氧大鼠肺动脉压的升高,两药物疗效无显著性差异;

    Results : Lacidipine andligustrazine could obviously prevent the increase of PAP of hypoxic rats , and their effects had no significant difference .

  21. 方法:筛选处方制备拉西地平软胶囊,并参照中国药典进行崩解时限,含量测定、均匀度检测。

    Method sieving the prescription of preparation lacidipine soft capsule , and disintegration time , assaying , uniformity detection in accordance with Chinese Pharmacopeia .

  22. 目的观察拉西地平的降压效应、耐受性、谷峰比值及不良反应。

    Objective To investigate the hypotensive effect , tolerance , trough to peak ratio and side-effect of lacidipine on the patients with essential hypertension .

  23. 用拉西地平片治疗1周、4周和8周后达到正常血压值者分别为56例(74.67%)、62例(82.67%)和69例(92.67%)。

    56 patients ( 74.67 % ), 62 patients ( 82.67 % ) and 69 patients ( 92.67 % ) respectively restored normal blood pressure 1 , 4 and 8 weeks after treated with lacidipine .