
  • 网络La Défense;La Defense
  1. 今年的活动在位于巴黎西端的拉德芳斯现代商业区举行。

    The chosen spot this year was La Defense , a modernist business park on the west edge of Paris .

  2. 在较高的楼层,人们能够清晰地欣赏到从圣心大教堂到拉德芳斯区的巴黎西部景色。

    In the higher levels , they all have a clear view on the West of Paris from the Sacr é - Coeur to La D é fense .

  3. 挪威国家石油公司(STATOIL)的区域总部在Fornebu。公司的大楼在市郊拔地而起,很有法国巴黎拉德芳斯站(LaDefense)的感觉。

    STATOIL KEEPS REGIONAL headquarters in Fornebu , an office park rising on the outskirts of town that recalls the corporate anomie of Paris 's La D é fense .

  4. 法国巴黎西部南戴尔拉德芳斯大学从事此项研究的研究员达莉拉•博韦说:“很可能这些鸽子能够认出研究人员的脸。”

    Dr Dalila Bovet , a co-author of the study from the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La D é fense , said : " It is very likely that the pigeons recognized the researchers by their faces . "

  5. 他们说,过去几十年,这座城市成功地把写字楼排除在市区范围之外,集中在西侧的拉德芳斯等地区,那里现在是玻璃钢筋的森林。

    For the last few decades , they say , the city has done very nicely by keeping office towers outside the city limits in areas like La D é fense , on its western edge , now a forest of glass and steel .