
  • 网络Laki;Lackey;Raki;Rakhi;Anwar al-Awlaki
  1. “每到这个时候,政治讨论往往就会异常热烈起来,”明尼阿波利斯的沟通培训公司RoshiniPerformanceGroup的主管以及《有话好好说!》(CommunicateThat!)一书的作者罗什尼•拉基库玛表示。

    " Political talk does seem unusually heated this time around , " says roshini Rajkumar , head of Minneapolis-based communications coaching firm roshini performance group and author of a book called communicate that !

  2. 上周四,美国电影联合会公布了反盗版战争中的最新“武器”:两只能够嗅出DVD光碟、分别名为“拉基”和“弗洛”的拉布拉多猎犬。

    The Motion Picture Association of America on Thursday unveiled its latest tool in the war on movie piracy : a pair of DVD-sniffing Labrador Retrievers named Lucky and Flo .

  3. 早在Oculus公司创始人帕尔默o拉基组装自己的首台Rift原型机很久以前,索尼公司就开始探索虚拟现实技术了。

    Sony has been experimenting with virtual reality technology for years , long before Oculus founder Palmer Luckey put together his first Rift prototype .

  4. 此外,社会网络服务网站聚友(MySpace)创始人汤姆•安德森居住在洛杉矶,而风险资本家、前谷歌(Google)员工克里斯•萨加居住在加州特拉基市(距离帕洛阿尔托北200多英里)。

    Moreover , MySpace founder Tom Anderson lives in Los Angeles , while venture capitalist / ex-googler Chris sacca resides in Truckee , California ( a mere 200 + miles north of Palo Alto ) .

  5. 提出了用静力触探P5值修正Es值的方法,并且讨论了拉基附加应力的计算及计算沉降经验系数(s)的取值问题。

    To compensate for that , the paper suggests that the value , E , be modified by the value of the static sounding , P. Also , it discusses how to calculate the additional stress on the pile function and how to take account of the empirical value .

  6. 拉基莎坐在里面,担心她的生命安全,直到警察来了才放心。

    LaKisha sat inside , in fear of her life until the police came .

  7. 拉基普特人居于印度北部和中部的几个有权势、有土地、有军事武装的家族的成员。

    A member of any of several powerful Hindu landowning and military lineages inhabiting northern and central india .

  8. 最近该公司完成了一轮280万美元的融资,牵头的是哈萨克斯坦知名天使投资家肯格斯・拉基谢夫(KengesRakishev)。

    The company recently closed a $ 2.8 million funding round led by prominent Kazakhstan-based angel investor Kenges Rakishev .

  9. 剧情简介:“龙妈迎来意外访客,雪诺面临一场反抗,而小恶魔(彼特?丁拉基饰)计划着征服维斯特洛大陆。”

    Description : " Daenerys receives an unexpected visitor . Jon faces a revolt . Tyrion ( Peter Dinklage ) plans the conquest of Westeros . "

  10. 当天就攻下了那城,并在那天用利剑杀尽了那城和城中的一切生灵,全如对待拉基士一样。

    And took it the same day : and put to the sword all the souls that were in it , according to all that he had done to Lachis .

  11. 那时,革则尔王曷兰上来援救拉基士,若苏厄也将他和他的人民杀尽,一个也没有留下。

    At that time Horam king of Gazer , came up to succour Lachis : and Josue slew him with all his people , so as to leave none alive .

  12. 拉基士的居民,你们要以快马驾车!你们是熙雍女子犯罪的开端,因为在你们中间找出以色列罪恶的根源。

    A tumult of chariots hath astonished the inhabitants of Lachis : it is the beginning of sin to the daughter of Sion , for in thee were found the crimes of Israel .

  13. 猎犬拉基和弗洛的工作是嗅出隐藏在行李箱和其他容器中的光碟,防止这些光碟被带到加工厂去复制。

    The job for Lucky and Flo will be to sniff out optical discs in luggage or other containers , and stop the discs from getting to manufacturing plants where they can be reproduced .

  14. 如同电影明星到各地宣传新片一样,开始新工作前,拉基和弗洛将会前往香港和新加坡在内的城市进行环球旅行。

    But before they begin their new job , Lucky and Flo will go on a world tour of cities such as Hong Kong and Singapore , just as movie stars go on tour to promote their latest films .

  15. 在这部姗姗来迟的续集中,这家人遇到了另一个家庭——贝特曼斯一家(由彼特·丁拉基、莱斯利·曼恩和凯莉·玛丽·陈配音)。这家人先进的生活方式和技术使得本就原始的克鲁兹一家显得更加原始。

    In the much-delayed sequel , they meet another family , the Bettermans ( voiced by Peter Dinklage , Leslie Mann and Kelly Marie Tran ) , whose advanced lifestyle and technology makes the Croods look even more primitive than they did already .