
  • 网络Contractor management
  1. 笔者从采购管制、作业管理、监测与测量3个方面讨论了承包商管理的基本内容;

    Three basic contents of contractor management including purchase control , operation management , and monitoring and measurement are discussed .

  2. 法律法规和职业安全健康标准也对承包商管理提出了明确的要求。因此,承包商管理,已成为生产经营单位职业安全健康管理中的重要环节。

    So contractor management has become an important link in implementation of OHSMS and in maintaining good safety performance of production and business units .

  3. 供应商管理(Suppliermanagement)考虑COTS使用,例如B2B、子承包商管理和离岸开发的集成。

    Supplier management consider usage of COTS , integration such as B2B , managing subcontractors , and offshore development .

  4. 针对公路工程建设中从业主到承包商管理中存在的问题进行探讨,通过进一步总结工程建设中的经验,消除弊端,完善工程的项目管理和建设程序。

    The paper discussed the problem in the management of highway engineering construction for improving engineering project management and construction procedure .

  5. 承包商管理人员应以合适周期审查质量体系,以确保其仍旧适用、有效。

    The quality system shall be reviewed at appropriate intervals by the contractor 's management to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness .

  6. 高速公路建设周期长,投资大,参与建设单位与建设人员多,业主对承包商管理的好坏决定了高速公路的质量与进度。

    The construction cycle of expressways is long , the expressways construction invests in a big way , many construction companies and construction personnel participate in the construction expressways , the owner manages the contractor has decided the expressway quality and the progress .

  7. 加强承包商HSE管理不仅可以改善承包商的总体绩效,还有利于保护作业公司的声誉和总体效益。

    By improving the contractor HSE management , not only can improve the integrated performance of contractors , but also can protect the benefits and reputation of Company .

  8. 建设项目施工过程中承包商索赔管理研究

    Study on the claim management of contractor during project being constructed

  9. 小浪底工程Ⅰ标承包商环境管理与污染防治

    Environmental management and pollution control and treatment of Xiaolangdi project Lot ⅰ

  10. 专业服务承包商供应商管理数据库

    A Management Database of Contractors and Suppliers for Professional Service

  11. 因此如何提高我国国际工程承包商风险管理水平成为当前研究的热点之一。

    So how to improve the risk management is a popular research .

  12. 公路工程项目施工阶段承包商风险管理研究

    The Study on Contractor Risk Management of Road Engineering Project at Construction Stage

  13. 京沪高速铁路施工阶段承包商风险管理实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway Construction Phase Contractor 's Risk Management

  14. EPC/交钥匙合同条件下的承包商风险管理

    Contractor 's Risk Management under Conditions of Contract for EPC / Turnkey Project

  15. 承包商项目管理联盟合作伙伴的选择

    Selection of Cooperative Partners for the Contractor Alliance

  16. “基于风险的承包商安全管理”可以完美地回答上述的问题。

    The Risk based Contractor Safety Management system can perfectly answer all the questions above .

  17. 巴格达大使馆的美国大使计划雇佣并接管上千名承包商来管理直升机和防空系统。

    The embassy inBaghdadplans to hire and manage thousands of private contractors to operate helicopters and air defence systems .

  18. 承包商索赔管理是与经济效益密切相关的工作,它体现着承包商经营管理的水平。

    Project claim management , which embodies the management level of contractors , is closely related to economic benefits .

  19. 阐述了承包合同规范管理的重要性,剖析了承包商合同管理中存在的问题,探讨了解决合同规范管理的对策。

    The paper explains the importance of managing the contract norms , analyzes some problems and finally put forward some countermeasures .

  20. 本文的研究结果是对大型复杂工程项目承包商风险管理研究的积极探索,对当前和今后的高速铁路建设项目承包商风险管理实践具有一定的借鉴价值。

    The results of this study has a certain reference value for current and future railway construction project contractor risk management practice .

  21. 风险评价是国际工程承包商风险管理中的关键环节,其评价的结果直接影响到承包商的战略举措以及公司目标利润的实现。

    Risk evaluation is one of the most critical processes of the risk management ; its results directly affect the contractors ' decision-making and their profits .

  22. 指出承包商关系管理是伙伴关系管理的重要组成部分,业务外包是21世纪灵捷制造模式企业间业务关系的主要运作形式之一。

    Also , Contractor Relationship Management is the important component of Associate Relationship Management , and Project Outsourcing is the most important business operational form among those enterprises that are making flexible engineering models in the 21st century .

  23. 围绕崖13-1气田海南基地项目建设的管理方式、选好与管好承包商、管理措施等方面论述了该建设项目管理的先进性。

    This paper introduces the modem management of this construction project with focus given to the management method of Hainan shore base construction project of Ya 13 - 1 gas field , the selection and management of contractors and management procedures used .

  24. 天然气长输管道建设项目中对承包商的HSE管理

    Contractor HSE management in Natural Gas Pipeline Construction Project

  25. 对企业内部施工承包商实施EHS管理的研究

    Studies of EHS Management for Contractors in Companies

  26. 承包商的hse管理体系,手册及政策应完全符合所有相关法规要求。

    The contractor 's HSE management system , manuals and policies shall be in full compliance with all relevant regulatory requirements .

  27. EPC项目模式已经成为国际市场的主流承包模式,在此运行模式下国际和国内总承包商凭借自身管理与技术优势从中获取了丰厚的利润回报。

    EPC project model has become the mainstream of the international market contracting model , the international general contractor with their own management and technical advantages derived profitable returns .

  28. 公路建设项目承包商的风险管理探讨

    Discussion on the Project Risk Management of Contractor in Highway Construction

  29. 高速公路承包商施工危机管理预警系统研究

    A Study on Forewarning System of Construction Crisis Management of Expressway Contractor

  30. 确保所选承包商工作和管理的质量。

    Make sure the quality construction and management of the ED contractor .