
chénɡ bāo shānɡ
  • contractor
  1. 它批评主要承包商在其最初估价中犯了严重的错误。

    It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates

  2. 我们告诉建筑承包商,我们需要一个能容得下两辆车的车库。

    We told the building contractor that we wanted a garage big enough for two cars .

  3. 承包商如延误工期将被处以巨额罚款。

    Contractors who fall behind schedule incur heavy financial penalties .

  4. 私人承包商们也一道谴责政府的立场。

    Private contractors joined in condemning the Government 's stance .

  5. 该联合企业包括英国最大的一些建筑承包商。

    The consortium includes some of the biggest building contractors in Britain .

  6. 规模较小的承包商已被迫歇业。

    Smaller contractors had been forced to shut down

  7. 雇了一个承包商抽干水库的水,挖掉一个区域的泥土后再用黏土填上。

    A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay .

  8. 我们得到三个承包商的报价。

    We got estimates from three different contractors .

  9. 2013年,美国国家安全局前承包商爱德华·J·斯诺登披露了美国政府拉拢某些技术公司,并侵入其他技术公司以获取大规模的私人数据,此后,技术行业巨头开始形成把美国政府视为敌对方的认知。

    After revelations by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden in 2013 that the government both cozied up to certain tech companies and hacked into others to gain access to private data on an enormous scale , tech giants began to recognize the United States government as a hostile actor .

  10. 例如,Dewalt发现,许多承包商仍保留着不能工作的旧工具,因为这些工具的采购成本很高,而且很难说它们可以回收利用。

    For instance , DeWalt discovered that many contractors were holding on to their old tools , even if they no longer worked , because they were expensive purchases and it was hard to justify bringing them in to recycle .

  11. 然而,家里要是有承包商在工作,则不需要告诉他们家里有摄像头在监视。

    However , if a contractor is working in your home , you don 't need to tell them that there are cameras watching .

  12. 尾款的目的是为了保证承包商履行义务干完工程。

    It is withheld to assure that contractor2 will satisfy its obligations and complete a project .

  13. 他们也许会用承包商,但日常业务由他们自己全权负责。

    They might use contractors but they have full responsibility for the day-to-day running of their business .

  14. 赢得建筑工作的承包商得抽出合同价格的百分之二的回扣给黑手党

    Contractors winning construction jobs had to kick back 2 per cent of the contract price to the mafia .

  15. 其它遭受攻击的公司包括谷歌、AdobeSystems和数家国防承包商。

    Other companies hit include Google , Adobe Systems and several defence contractors .

  16. AHP在选择项目承包商中的应用

    Application of the AHP in selecting project contractor

  17. DB模式下承包商风险研究

    Study on the Risks of DB Contractor

  18. 承包商应通过电子邮件将周进度报告发送给shell代表或通过快递员将报告送达至shell北京办事处。

    The Contractor shall provide a weekly progress report to the shell representative by electronic mail or courier to shell offices in beijing .

  19. 除非另有指示,承包商编制的所有图纸应为autocad格式和3-d模型。

    Unless otherwise instructed , all drawings produced by the Contractor shall be on AutoCAD format and3-D model .

  20. EPC项目选择承包商研究

    Choice Study on Contractor Selection for Engineering-Procurement-Construction Projects

  21. BMP业务管理被看作是建筑师和总承包商的联合体。

    Think of the BPM engagement manager as a combination of the architect and general contractor .

  22. 尽管存在上述规定,承包商仍应与shell密切协作,经双方一致同意,编制一份文件提交计划表,以便高效完成本工程。

    Notwithstanding the above , the Contractor shall work closely with shell to establish a document submission schedule agreeable to both parties and expeditious to the completion of the work .

  23. 2010年,惠普公司因前任CEO马克•赫德与公司一名承包商传出桃色丑闻,选择与其分道扬镳,此举遭到外界的广泛指责。

    HP was widely criticized over the 2010 departure of former CEO Mark Hurd amid a scandal involving a personal relationship with a company contractor .

  24. 对工程监理,以设计为主体的EPC(设计、采购、施工)总承包和项目管理承包商(PMC)等三种工程项目管理模式进行了比较。

    Three engineering management modes ( Engineering management , EPC turnkey contracting and PMC ) have been compared .

  25. 承包商应对hse要求的实施和监控形成一套综合计划和证明的系统。

    The Contractor shall evolve a comprehensive planned and documented system for implementation and monitoring of the HSE requirements .

  26. 通过查阅相关文献资料,并运用Delphi法向专家进行调查咨询,确定了新加坡建筑市场上中国承包商风险评价指标体系。

    The paper determines the index system of the risks that contractors in the Singapore construction market by studying correlative literature and the delphi method .

  27. 熟悉FIDIC合同条件并认真履行,是监理、承包商及业主等应共同遵守的准则;

    FIDIC contract conditions are rules which should be abided by all parties such as contractor , supervisor , owner , etc.

  28. 对总承包商而言,风险管理问题是非常重要的,而风险的识别与评价是风险管理的基础,因此,对EPC模式下承包商风险评价的研究是有现实意义的。

    Therefore , the risk management is very important for the general contractor , while the identification and the evaluation of risk is the basis of risk management .

  29. 本文以项目生命周期管理为主线,按照客户、专家(承包商)、智囊团和管理员四种不同角色的业务操作流程,利用UML技术构建了系统整体框架的模型。

    On the basis of management of project lifecycle , According to the different business fluent of client 、 expert 、 brainpower and administrator , the paper constitute the architecture of whole system by UML .

  30. 并从成因上将影响因素分为承包商因素和非承包商因素,通过对FIDIC合同文件的分析,指出非承包商因素都可以进行生产率降低损失索赔。

    Through the analysis of FIDIC items , this thesis points out that the loss which caused by non-contractor factor can claim for compensation .