- flowering;flowering of cereal crops

[flowering of cereal crops] 水稻、小麦、高粱等作物开花时,花药裂开,花粉飞散
All parameters were generally alike in heading and flowering period , but they decreased obviously in dough stage .
Spraying GA 3 mixed with FA and BR mixed with FA at flowering stage enhanced the filling intensity and increased the dry weight accumulation of kernel per day .
In variety 6029 there was higher N uptake percentage from 11d after flowering to harvest .
The Quantitative effects of sowing time ( X1 ) , density of plants ( X2 ) and nitrogenous fertilizer ( X3 ) on sharp eyespot of wheat were studied by applying 3-factor-5-level general rotational regression design .
During the germination of embryos , which were isolated from seeds 20 DPA , dormant and non - dormant mature seeds , respectively , expression of a-amylase is inhibited by glucose significantly .
The devil wears red and so do scarlet women .
Optimum Temperature and Humidity Ratio for Hybrid Rice Seed Production at Flowering Stage
Microstructure and ultrastructure changes of flag leaf during the anthesis bearing stage of wheat
She is a woman of easy virtue .
Those with heart problems are advised to avoid the color because it is so stimulating .
The essay studied the characters of potassium nutrition of four wheat genotypes in flowering and maturity stage .
The average feeding ability of a larva was 18-27 grains but varied with the stages of sorghum .
Epidemic peak period is from grouting to milky-stage , and the disease incidence tended stable at yellow - ripeness .
In rich water year , the treatment of film mulching water 3 can get better economical and social benefit .
Water at jointing Stage can increase spike numbers , water at booting and peak filling stages can promote kernel weight .
The results showed that the characteristics of K nutrition of the6 wheat cultivars were relatively stable after the reviving-elongation stage .
Rice will drop significantly its seed-setting rate and decrease heavily its yield under heat stress at the heading and flower stages .
From flowering to middle milky stage , higher granum lamellae increase , and after middle milky stage , higher granum lamellae decrease .
The average temperature between 7 ~ 29 ℃ coupled with average relative humidity of 48 % or more during the flowering period of wheat .
If the disease index of leaf wilt in flowering stage is about 5 % , the epidemic intensity of diseas is of the 1 degree .
The leaf structure characteristic in anthesis and dynamic change in grain-filling period were studied by means of temporarily preparing slice method and paraffin wax section method .
Due to lack of effective disease-resistant varieties , carbendazim ( MBC ) and other benzimidazole fungicides were used to control FHB at flowering stage mainly for a long time .
The effect on the rice growth in heading and flowering period by SO2 emitted from natural gas purification plant and fell to the ground has been tested through fumigation experiment .
In Gertrude and Claudius , Gertrude 's vivid image of a modern female with the strong consciousness of independence is distinct from the gloomy image of the wanton in Hamlet .
In winter wheat growing season , soil N supplying capacity maintained at a high level from sowing to regreening stage , and declined afterwards , especially from shooting to harvesting stage .
According to this , the standard and method about dividing safety and the best flowering period was provided for hybrid rice seed production , the proper period was decided for Meitan county .
Effects of mechanized conservation tillage on soil fertility in two crops a year area ( 1 ) Pn of wheat under mechanized conservation tillage has significant difference during heading and flowering period .
At flowering stage the soluble carbohydrate contents in leaf and sheath of upland rice were lower than that of paddy rice and the difference was little in stem between the two treatments .
AT THE end of February , the orchards of California 's Central Valley are dusted with pink and white blossom , as millions of almond trees make their annual bid for reproduction .
Though there was more non-structural labeled substance in upland rice at flowering stage , the translation and allocation efficiency of it was much lower than that of normal paddy rice during grain filling .