
  1. 扒村窑服务于下层人民,很多内容取材于生产生活、风俗信仰,因此,从民俗文化的角度来看待扒村窑装饰魅力对研究扒村窑装饰规律是非常必要的。

    Pa Village Porcelain kiln is to serve the lower-position people , and many contents of it derive from the production , their life , customs and beliefs .

  2. 扒村窑的白地黑花装饰内容丰富、构图繁密,不仅受到民间审美习惯的影响,也受到宋金时期商业社会以及宫廷艺术的影响。

    The decoration of black flower decoration on white ground is characterized by rich content and dense composition . It is not only influenced by folk aesthetic habit , but also by the commercial society and courtly arts in Song and Jin dynasty .