
biǎn què
  • Bian Que;Bianque
扁鹊 [biǎn què]
  • [Bianque] 姓秦,名越人,战国时鄚人

  • (鄚,现河北省任丘县境内),医术高明,故人们就上古名医扁鹊之名称呼他

扁鹊[biǎn què]
  1. 五天以后,桓公浑身疼痛,而扁鹊已逃往秦国。

    Five days later , Duke Huan ached all over the body . But at this time , Bian Que had already fled to the state of Qin .

  2. 十天后,扁鹊劝说桓公趁病入侵肌体,事尽快诊治,桓公还是不吱声。

    Ten days later , Bian Que advised the Duke to take treatments when the illness was only ion the flesh , but the Duke still had not said anything .

  3. 桓公觉得自己的身体很好,认为扁鹊是想邀功,就没有理睬。

    But the Duke felt he was in good health and thought that Bian Que just wanted to take credit , so he ignored him .

  4. 扁鹊答道:“长兄最好,中兄次之,我最差。”

    Bianque answered , " My eldest1 brother is the best , the next is my second brother , and the last is me . "

  5. 名医扁鹊见到蔡桓公后,告诉桓公他的疾病已入侵皮肤,要赶快治疗。

    A famous doctor , Bian Que , after seeing Duke Huan of the state of Cai , told him that his illness had intruded1 into his skin and he needed to be treated immediately .

  6. 魏文王问名医扁鹊说:“你们家兄弟三人,都精于医术,到底哪一位最好呢?”

    Bianque was a famous physician in ancient China . One day the King of Wei asked him , " You and your two brothers are all skilled in medicine , which of you is the best ? "

  7. 他心想:“怎么这次扁鹊不说我有病呢?”

    He thought : " how the textual say me sick ?"

  8. 过了十天,扁鹊又见到蔡桓公。

    Ten days later , Bian Que saw Huan Gong again .

  9. 他看到情况不妙,主动要求找扁鹊来治病。

    He sees things , active request to find cures textual .

  10. 扁鹊庙为省重点文物保护单位。

    Que temple key units to be protected in order to save .

  11. 桓公还是没有理睬扁鹊。

    Huan Gong still would not listen to Bian Que .

  12. 两人刚一见面,扁鹊扭头就走。

    They had a meeting , textual twist went .

  13. 历史观念史:国病与身病&司马迁与扁鹊传奇

    The History of Historical Idea : Disease of Human Body and Disease of Society

  14. 又过了十天,扁鹊看见蔡桓公,着急地说:

    Another ten days later , Bian Que saw Huan Gong and said anxiously :

  15. 扁鹊走后,桓公对左右的大臣说:

    After Bian Que left , Huan Gong said to his subjects around him :

  16. 大观元年(1107),为目前发现扁鹊墓最早者。

    Daguan year ( 1107 ), currently found in the tomb of the first persons Que .

  17. 桓公听了很不高兴,也不理睬扁鹊。

    Huan Gong was displeased with what he heard and did not listen to Bian Que .

  18. 扁鹊以其精湛的医术、医德深受百姓爱戴,从而受到历代祭祀。

    Que medicine for its exquisite , ethics loved by the people in order to be religious history .

  19. 可是,扁鹊早就预料到了这一点,跑到秦国躲了起来。

    But , foreseeing this , Bian Que had long gone to Qin and dodged such a request .

  20. 桓公很奇怪,就命人追去询问扁鹊。

    Huan Gong was surprised and sent someone to catch up Bian Que to ask him for the reason .

  21. 再过了十天,扁鹊一见桓公,转身就走。

    Another ten days later , when Bian Que saw Huan Gong , he turned round at once and left .

  22. 以扁鹊脉法和内经脉法为代表的古代脉法,是中医脉诊的起始和形成阶段。

    The ancient methods of pulse-reading represented by Bian Que and Nei Jing are the initiation and formation stages of pulse examination in TCM .

  23. 扁鹊(公元前407-前310),春秋战国时代名医,医术精湛,擅长各科,对中医药学的发展有着特殊的贡献。

    Bian Que ( 407B . C-310B . C ), was the well-known Chinese physician of the period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States .

  24. 扁鹊祠分东西二庙,西庙为早,面中条,近王官谷瀑布,风景优美。

    Two things Que Temple at Temple , West Temple earlier in the noodle section , Wang Guan near Valley Falls , the beautiful scenery .

  25. 本文正文共分为四章,第一章引言,本文的文献综述和论文的写作空间由传说中扁鹊的种种神异性引出扁鹊信仰,交代了本文的写作缘起、方法和意义。

    The first chapter is introduction including literature review and writing space . Bian Que Belief is introduced from kinds of mythologies of Bian Que by legend .

  26. 提起扁鹊,人们感兴趣的不仅是他高超的医术,更对他身上的多重疑问争论不休。

    When it comes to Bian Que , people not only take an interest in his excellent medical skills , but also argue the multiple doubts about himself .

  27. 战国时期的著名医生扁鹊,最早用望、闻、问、切四种方法诊断病情。

    The famous doctor of the Warring States Period Bian Que was the first to use observation , auscultation and olfaction , interrogation , and palpation for diagnosis .

  28. 扁鹊说:“一个人生了病,当病在皮肤表面时,只要用膏药和汤药洗,就能够治好;

    Bian Que said : " When a person gets ill and his illness is only under the skin , it can be easily cured with medical plaster or decoction .

  29. 并以《扁鹊传》和《宝命全形论》为例,介绍了不同文体医古文双语教学的具体实施方案;

    Taking examples of Bianque Zhuan and Bao Ming Quan Xing Lun , this paper introduced concrete plans for implementation of double language teaching of different styles of ancient medical articles .

  30. 据该报报道,在《王者荣耀》中,唐朝著名诗人李白变成了刺客、春秋名医扁鹊变成了下毒高手。

    According to the newspaper , famous poet Li Bai from the Tang Dynasty became an assassin , while noted doctor Bian Que from the Spring and Autumn Period was cast as an expert on poison .