
biǎn lǜ
  • oblateness;flattening;compression
扁率[biǎn lǜ]
  1. 扁率对Hill稳定范围的影响

    The effect of oblateness on the stable radius in the liapunov-hill sense

  2. 应用最新的海洋模式数据,研究了海水质量再分布对地球动力学扁率变化(δJ2)的影响。

    Based on the most recently global numerical ocean models , the effect of oceanic mass redistribution on the Earth 's oblateness variation is examined .

  3. 首先,在CW方程的基础上,分别求解了地球扁率的整体摄动和相对摄动,分析了摄动规律。

    First , bulk and relative perturbation of J2 term are solved and analyzed based on the CW equations .

  4. 本文研究了地球扁率J2项摄动对卫星编队飞行的影响。

    The J 2 effect on satellite formation flying is investigated .

  5. 针对地球扁率(J2)的影响,给出了一种修正方法,提高了本方法的计算精确度。

    A modified method is presented to improve calculating accuracy of this method aimed at the effect of earth eccentricity ( J_2 ) .

  6. 给出了卫星悬停的轨道动力学模型,不考虑地球扁率J2摄动影响,通过在一段时间内对轨道实施连续有限推力控制,使得卫星运行在新的轨道上,实现对目标卫星的悬停。

    Dynamics analysis of hovering orbit was presented , not considering J2 perpetual . By implementing a continuous pulse thrust control , the satellite was kept in a period of time on a new hovering orbit other than Kepler orbit .

  7. 地球动力学扁率值对章动计算的影响

    Effect of Numerical Value of Earth Dynamical Flattening on Nutation Computation

  8. 最后讨论了地球大气扁率对返航轨道的影响,计算结果表明,它的影响是可以忽略的。

    The result of calculation shows that this effect is negligible .

  9. 海洋对地球动力学扁率变化的影响

    Effect of Oceanic Mass Redistribution on the Earth Oblateness Variation Change

  10. 地球动力学扁率及其与岁差章动的关系

    The Earth Dynamical Flattening and Its Relation to Precession and Nutation

  11. 地球扁率引起红外地平仪姿态量测误差的数学模型

    Mathematical model of attitude correction of scanning horizon sensor for earth oblateness

  12. 在地球扁率摄动下的卫星编队飞行控制

    Control of Satellites Formation Flying in Earth Oblateness Perturbation Environment

  13. 地球的扁率自形成以来总体趋势在减小。

    The oblateness tends to decrease since the formation of the earth .

  14. 卫星编队飞行的地球扁率摄动分析

    Analysis of the Earth oblateness perturbation on formation flying satellites

  15. 非潮汐海洋运动对地球动力学扁率变化的贡献

    Non-tidal oceanic contribution to the variation of the earth oblateness

  16. 考虑地球扁率的大椭圆轨道编队飞行优化设计

    J_2 Optimization Design of Formation Satellites in Highly Elliptic Orbits

  17. 考虑地球扁率影响的任意椭圆轨道小推力最优交会控制

    Optimum Low-Thrust Power Rendezvous between Neighboring Elliptic Orbits Considering the Oblateness of Earth

  18. 太阳扁率对水星近日点进动的贡献

    The Effect of Solar Flattening on the Advance of the Perihelion of Mercury

  19. 详细计算分析了地球扁率对最优轨道的影响。

    The changes of optimal trajectory caused by Earth 's oblateness are computed .

  20. 一种考虑地球扁率的卫星自主导航方法研究

    Autonomous Navigation with Earth Oblateness Compensation for Satellite

  21. 基于地球扁率红外地平仪测量值修正算法研究

    The correction algorithms of measurement of the scanning horizon sensor based on earth oblateness

  22. 地球动力学扁率在章动理论的计算中也是一个重要的物理量。

    The Earth dynamical flattening plays an important role in the computations of nutation theory .

  23. 考虑地球扁率效应的两圆轨道之间的双共切最优转移

    Optimal Dual-Tangential Transfer Between Two Circular Orbits in Consideration of the Earth 's Flattening Effect

  24. 地球的扁率对卫星运动的影响

    The influence of the flat rate of the earth upon the motion of the satellite

  25. 第一节研究主惯性矩和地球扁率的计算公式;

    Section 1 formulates the Earth 's principal moments of inertia and the Earth 's flattening ;

  26. 而采用相应方法对地球扁率影响进行改正后,温度廓线的误差明显减弱,从而证明了改正方法的正确性。

    The correction method is tested useful because the temperature errors decreased obviously with this method .

  27. 这种方法对于大扁率主天体(即中心天体)的卫星定轨将更有实用价值。

    And it will be more useful to the orbit computing of the body with large oblateness .

  28. 将它们化算到了球域上,得到的方程等于球对称弹性地球模型的运动方程加上扁率改正项。

    The equations obtained are just that of a spherically symmetrical elastic Earth model plus elliptical correction terms .

  29. 建立了考虑地球扁率的远程弹道导弹动力学与运动学方程组。

    The dynamics equations and kinematic equations of ballistic missile are established , in which Earth oblateness is considered .

  30. 利用地球椭球的小扁率特性,给出了相应的一阶修正算法。

    Based on the property of small flattening coefficient ofthe oblate earth , a first order correction algorithm is presented .