
  • 网络flat organization
  1. 扁平化组织结构抗风险的分析

    Resistance to a type of risk of flat organization structure

  2. 扁平化组织与柔性人力资源管理

    Flat organization and flexible human resources management

  3. 马尔基翁内宣布了高层大换血计划,包括从菲亚特总部带来的财务及公关部主管,以及作为扁平化组织的一部分,任命克莱斯勒、Jeep与道奇(Dodge)品牌的新主管。

    Fiat 's boss announced a sweeping management shake-up , including finance and communications chiefs brought in from Turin , and new appointments to head the Chrysler , Jeep and Dodge brands as part of a flattened organisation .

  4. 美国高校图书馆扁平化组织结构对我国的启示

    Enlightenment of Flattening Organizational Structure of American University Library on Our Country

  5. 用扁平化组织改造传统的矿山管理模式研究

    Study on replacing traditional mine management mode with flat-type organization

  6. 扁平化组织结构作为一种对金字塔式组织结构的改进形式,可以避免一些问题的出现。

    Flattening organizational structure which improved form pyramid organizational structure could avoid some problems .

  7. 扁平化组织及其效率研究

    Research of Flat - Organization and Its Efficiency

  8. 扁平化组织与网络化沟通

    Flat Organization and Communication through Network

  9. 企业扁平化组织结构的研究

    Enterprise Flat Organizational Structure

  10. 扁平化组织结构和跨职能工作团队在提高行政效率和员工积极性方面具有独特作用。

    Work team characterized by flat organization and multi-function plays an important role in improving the efficiency and enthusiasm .

  11. 而宽带薪酬的应用可以为具有扁平化组织特征的科技型企业提供更有效的激励。

    It is pointed out that enterprises with flat architecture can achieve good incentive effect by broadband classification and compensation program .

  12. 这种模型可很好地体现动态联盟的扁平化组织特征和能够随着市场的变化而快速地自我调整、重组的动态特性。

    Cell-structure model of DA , in which the characters of flat organization structure and dynamics of self-adjusting of DA can be embodied , is established .

  13. 根据广钢高线厂实行扁平化组织机构模式的成功经验,分析了将其推广的可行性。

    The paper , based on the successful experience of implementing Flat Organization Structure Pattern in High-speed Wire Rod Mill , analyses the possibility to spread .

  14. 并结合电信行业的市场状况,提出了面向客户的扁平化组织结构框架,同时,也对信息管理系统的设计提出了要求。

    Combined with the telecommunications industry and market conditions , it presents the customer-facing flat organizational structure framework , but also the design of information management system requirements .

  15. 本文试图从组织结构形式的转变入手,分析在扁平化组织结构形式下如何进行柔性的人力资源管理。

    In view of the organization structure transformation , this paper attempts to analyze how the flexible human resources management is carried out within the flat organization structure .

  16. 笔者从财政分权理论、扁平化组织结构理论、区域非均衡发展理论、委托代理理论四个理论视角论述了改革的必要性。

    This paper quotes fiscal decentralization theory , flattening organizational structure theory , regional imbalance development theory and the principal-agent theory to prove the feasibility of the reform .

  17. 从组织构造基本单位的角度来看,企业实践中大量出现的网络型组织、虚拟组织、扁平化组织等在根本上是以团队为运作基础的;

    From the point of view of the basic unit of the organization , many organizations including network , virtual and flat ones are team-based inside an enterprise .

  18. 作为一种典型的扁平化组织,自我管理团队的概念自提出以来,在国外许多知名企业得到了广泛运用,并取得了成功。

    As a typical flat organization , SDWT , since its concept is proposed , has been widely applied in numerous large domestic and foreign enterprises and achieved big success .

  19. 与此组织特点相适应,本论文认为扁平化组织结构是适合于武汉光电国家实验室(筹)的理想组织形式。

    Adapting to the characteristics of this organization , the paper shows flat organizational structure is suitable for the ideal form of organization of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics ( raise ) .

  20. 为了适应环境的快速变化,许多企业都放弃了这种与传统科学管理相适应的金字塔模式管理,逐步发展变革转向更加适应新时代的扁平化组织结构。

    In order to adapt to rapid changes in the environment , many companies have abandoned the traditional pyramid of scientific management model suitable for management of change to the more gradual development of the new age of flat organizational structure .

  21. 这种新型的薪酬结构设计比传统的薪酬体系有其独特的优势:有利于扁平化组织的构建、员工技能的增长、形成有市场竞争力的薪酬、推动组织绩效的提高等。

    The new salary structure have some unique advantages than the traditional pay system , such as flat organizations structure , the growth of employees skills , the formation of the market competitiveness of remuneration , promoting the improvement of organizational performance .

  22. 随着市场竞争的剧烈化,越来越多的企业围绕战略进行面向客户的业务流程再造,面向流程的扁平化组织结构应运而生。

    Nowadays more and more enterprises , faced with fierce competition in the global market , began to undertake business process reengineering ( BPR ) toward the enterprise strategy , which often result in the flat organization structure based on business processes .

  23. 在此基础上,改变传统税务管理以职能为导向的组织结构,建立以税务流程为导向的扁平化组织结构,以实现税务组织内部结构机制的改革。

    On this basis , we change the traditional tax institutional framework and take functions as our direction , set up the flat institutional framework and take procedure as our guidance so as to realize the goals of reforming tax structure within the tax organization .

  24. 本文在对扁平化组织进行理论研究的基础上,提出了扁平化组织应推行远景管理、实施顾客关系管理、建立学习型组织、推行团队工作方式等实际运作的探索。

    This article is based on the theory of the flatten structure and puts forward to some new thought in the practical use , such as implement the distant view management , carry out CRM , establish the organization of studying and use the team work style , etc.

  25. 公司实行扁平化的组织结构——“没有层级,”乌鲁卡亚说。

    The organization is flat - " no layers , " Ulukaya says .

  26. 扁平化的组织结构有利于教师领导的有效开展。

    The parallel school system is good for teachers to complement leading action effectively .

  27. 自上世纪90年代以来,随着组织结构的不断扁平化,组织公民行为备受关注。

    Since the 1990s , along with the continuous flat organizational structure , organizational citizenship behaviors become concerned .

  28. 在组织结构上,通过建立扁平化的组织结构来提高管理的效率。

    In terms of organizational structure the efficiency of management can be improved by establishing a flat organizational structure .

  29. 组织结构调整、组织裁员、组织扁平化、组织分散化成为当代组织变革的主流趋势。

    Organizational restructuring , organizational downsizing , organizational flat , decentralized organization to become the main trend of contemporary organizational change .

  30. 近年来,为了适应经济全球化所带来的激烈竞争,金字塔式的组织结构逐渐被扁平化的组织结构所取代。

    In recent years , in order to adapt to fierce competition brought by economic globalization , the organization structure has changed from pyramid to flat gradually .