
  1. 到了今年2月,郭英成及其家族同意将49%的佳兆业股份,全部出售给中国另一家房地产开发商融创中国。

    Then in February , the chairman and his family agreed to sell their entire 49 percent stake in Kaisa to another Chinese property developer , Sunac China .

  2. 其三,提出了双向渗透的我国房地产业产融结合的目标模式。

    The essay proposed a two-way permeation objectives model of real estate industry .

  3. 房地产业产融结合有助于推进房地产业和房地产金融的协调发展,减少由市场需求和房地产金融资源变化带来的对房地产业发展的冲击,促进房地产业健康平稳发展。

    Real-estate industry integration is good for the development the real-estate and real estate finance , and will reduced market demand and the influence of changes about the real-estate financial resources , and promote the real estate industry develop healthily and stably .

  4. 本文全面分析我国房地产的投融资格局,并提出以下建议:发展房地产投资信托基金,适时推出住房抵押贷款证券化,及时开辟多元化的房地产融资渠道,建立健全房地产金融体系。

    This paper analyzes the financing situation in China 's real estate and points out that it is proper to develop REITs , push forward MBS , open diversified financing channels for real estate and to set up and improve financial system for real estate in the current phase .

  5. 具体而言,本文力图达到的创新之处在于:其一,从房地产业和房地产企业可持续发展角度,预测了我国房地产业产融结合的发展趋势。

    From the aspect of sustainable development of real estate industry and business enterprises , this paper forecast the trend of the real estate industry integration in our country .

  6. 通过对房地产金融在房地产业发展过程中发挥的重要作用的分析,论文得出了房地产业产融结合是保证房地产业健康发展的一个重要因素的结论。

    This paper conclude that the real-estate industry integration is an very important factor which ensure the sustainable development of real estate industry according to the analyze the importance of the real estate finance in the process of the real estate development .