
  • 网络Real estate agent;realtor;Real estate brokers
  1. 当一名房地产中介挺好的,我的脸被印在广告牌和笔上。

    Yeah , it 's great being a real estate agent , my face is on billboards and pens .

  2. 就如所有房地产中介会跟你说的,房子的价格取决于众多因素。

    As any real estate agent will tell you , the cost of a house depends on a range of factors .

  3. 连锁房地产中介countrywide也在考虑上市。

    Countrywide , an estate agency chain , is also thought to be considering a float .

  4. MeiDan美容院的经理表示,现在加拿大是人们新的梦想之地。与此同时,房地产中介公司GoldenHome的报告称,由于外来移民纷纷售出房产离开这里,房价正在不断下跌。

    The manager of the Mei Dan beauty parlour says Canada is the new dream , while the Golden Home property agency reports falling prices as immigrants sell up and leave .

  5. 剖析了加入WTO对我国房地产中介咨询业的影响,并对照服务贸易相关政策与条款,提出了我国房地产中介咨询业应采取的宏观对策

    At the same time , according to the related policies and terms of service business , the writer pur forward the macro countermeasures that our real estate agency industry on consultation should take . WTO Consultancy

  6. 因此,加入WTO一方面将促进我国房地产中介行业向国际惯例靠拢,另一方面也将使我国的中介行业受到国外中介机构入住的强烈冲击,面临严峻挑战。

    Joining in WTO will accelerate the real estate agency in our country to approach the international routine in one hand , on the other hand it will make our agency to face a serious challenge .

  7. RaymondHo现年50岁,在一家电子配件公司当会计,在售出自己在九龙的两居室之后,他的电话就被房地产中介给打爆了。

    After Raymond Ho , a 50-year-old accountant at an electronic-components company , sold his two-bedroom apartment in Kowloon , he was inundated with calls from agents .

  8. 未来广州市房地产中介代理业的一个重要的发展趋势就是连锁经营,信息时代的广州房地产中介业将形成一个类似于MLS的交易系统。

    An important development trend of real estate agency is the chain operation , the Guangzhou realestate agency of information age will form MLS trade system .

  9. 利用SERVQUAL标尺测量了广州一家房地产中介代理公司的服务质量,在此基础上提出了改进服务质量的意见和建议。

    SERVQUAL scale is used to measure the service quality of a real estate agency company in Guangzhou . Suggestions for improvement in service quality are provided .

  10. 民间房地产中介搜房网(Soufun)的数据也显示6月份房价出现反弹。

    That jibes with numbers from private property agency Soufun , which also showed a turnaround in prices in June .

  11. 如今,据房地产中介longandfoster的兰斯霍斯利(lancehorsley)介绍,虽然东部城区的整体状况远远好于城市中的其它地区,潜在购房者和投资者却变得更加谨慎。

    Now , although the eastern downtown area as a whole has fared better than others in the city , according to lance Horsley of real estate agency long and foster , prospective residents and investors are being more cautious .

  12. 今年60岁的丹・考利(DanCawley)14年前在伊利诺斯州唐纳斯格罗夫市(DownersGrove)创办了房地产中介公司CawleyChicagoCommercialRealEstateCo.,他本来计划将自己的股份慢慢转让给员工,这样到70岁时他就可以退休了。

    Fourteen years ago , when Dan Cawley , 60 , started real-estate brokerage Cawley Chicago Commercial Real Estate Co. in Downers Grove , Ill . , he planned to gradually sell shares to his employees so he could retire by 70 .

  13. 只不过因为你拥有一个点子,投资者就交给你成百上千万的美元,那么,他们最起码也会期待你就此施展全力,房地产中介网站Redfin的首席执行官格伦·凯尔曼(GlennKelman)说。

    People who give you millions of dollars for nothing but an idea at the very least expect your complete commitment to that idea , said Glenn Kelman , chief executive of Redfin , the online real estate brokerage firm .

  14. 浅论房地产中介在住房二级市场中的作用

    On the Effect of Real Estate Medium on Secondary Housing Market

  15. 房地产中介组织与政府良性关系的构建

    Establishment of good relationship between real estate media agencies and government

  16. 建立健全房地产中介机构的职业道德体系;

    Real estate brokerage firms establish and amplify professional ethics system ;

  17. 房地产中介行业信息管理研究

    Study on Information Management of the Real Estate Agency Industry

  18. 网络经济对房地产中介的影响

    An Impact of the Net Economy on the Real Estate Intermediary Service

  19. 第六章对房地产中介代理业的未来发展作了展望。

    The sixth chapter forecasts the future of Guangzhou real estate agency .

  20. 房地产中介商广告费用投入策略研究

    A Study on Advertisement Budget Strategy of Real Estate Brokers

  21. 我国房地产中介服务业发展探究

    On the Development of Estate Intermediary Service Industry in China

  22. 房地产中介市场的现状、问题及对策

    Situation 、 Problems and Measures of Real Estate Broker Market

  23. 好啊,我丈夫菲尔是个房地产中介。

    All right , well , my husband Phil 's a realtor .

  24. 房地产中介称,隐私方面的承诺十分重要。

    Real estate agents say commitment to anonymity is essential .

  25. 天津房地产中介信誉危机的对策研究

    The Countermeasure Study on Credit Crisis of Real Estate Agents of Tianjin

  26. 石家庄房地产中介行业也受到了很大冲击。

    In Shijiazhuang , real estate agencies have also received a strong impact .

  27. 第五章论述了广州市房地产中介代理业的宏观管理。

    The fifth chapter discusses the macro-management of real estate agency of Guangzhou .

  28. 对入世后我国房地产中介企业的竞争态势进行了分析。

    The competitive situation of the estate intermediary enterprise in China is discussed .

  29. 发展房地产中介服务业的制度建设研究

    On the Institutional Improvement of Developing the Intermediary Service Trade of Real Estate

  30. 房地产中介服务政策法律法规体系不完善等问题。

    Faultiness of legal system of service agencies , etc.