- 名truncation error

The Stability and Local Truncation Error in Applying Gear 's Method to Second-Order Differential Equations
A Method for Eliminating the Phase Truncation Error of the DDS
The current functions have inconsistent return values and parameters , truncation errors , and lack advanced functionality .
Based on DSP and full period sampling method the sampling of double frequency is realized , and calculating precision is improved effectively .
First , we employ phase-dithering method .
Emulational analysis of the spectrum characteristic caused by the phase truncation in direct digital frequency synthesizer
Runge-Kutta methods with minimizing the local truncation error
The Abstraction of the Heart Rate Signals Based on Clipped-error LMS Algorithm with Variable Step Size of Segmenting Type
NMO method of wide angle reflection with truncation error correction
With Newmark presumption , this method has high accuracy of the fourth order truncation error .
Parameters identification in time domain is accomplished in the paper with no truncation errors of FFT Transform such as the error of energy leakage .
This paper analyses the spurious signal generating by phase truncation in DDS , compares several methods of spur-reducing and provides results of computer simulations .
Sources of spurious signals for entirely digital structure of DDS include phase truncation error , amplitude quantization error and non-linear characteristics of DAC .
Furthermore , if the density of sampling points is more than 2.135 times of Nyquist rate , the upper limit of truncation error decreases exponentially .
Take variable vector propeller as an example , talk about some important problems in FLUENT software , such as mesh division , error accumulation , accelerated convergence and the stability in the solution procedure .
In consideration of the observational error , the truncation error and the requirements of numerical weather prediction , three formulas for determining the distance between two neighboring stations d , the vertical increment Δ p and the observational time interval At in optimum sense , have been derived .
In chapter 3 , the basic concept , the estimate of truncation error , convergence , stability of Euler method , indicated the conformation and absolute stability of Runge-Kutta method were put forward .
Synthesis of fixed-interface component modes , which is developed by Hurly and improved by Craig , is an approximate substructural coupling method that has modal truncated error .
According to the theoretical model and factual data calculation result , this method reforms the quality for phase axis , and improve the stacking effect .
This paper introduces a DTMF software synthesizer based on DDS and its implementation and analyzes the effect of phase noise , spurious noise and phase truncation error on output wave form .
Start with Taner reflection time curve equation , present the wide angle NMO correction method on truncation error correction .
In image processing , the wavelet of L2 ( R ) will cause distortion on the boundary by truncation error . In order to exterminate this phenomenon , one must modify the wavelet on the boundary . This gives rise to the wavelet on the interval .
An absolutely stable high-order difference scheme with high accuracy for solving Schrodinger equation is established in this paper . Its order of local truncation is O (τ 2 + h4 ) .
This paper introduces the theory of the phase-locked loop ( PLL ) and the direct digital synthesis ( DDS ) , a method to improve the precision of DDS and reduce its phase truncation error is also given .
When parameters are properly chosen , we obtain an absolutely stable implicit difference scheme of high accuracy . Its truncation error reach ( O [ (△ t ) ~ 2 + (△ x ) ~ 8 ] . ) A numerical example shows that the scheme is effectives .
Based on the spectrum analysis , except for some spurious sources because of phase truncation and amplitude truncation in theoretical analysis , spurs come from the DDS , and the beat frequency of the output signal , its harmonics and clock leakage .
SADI method and a spline method of fractional steps in each coordinate direction as well as truncation errors and its stability are briefly reviewed .
Walter 's wavelet sampling theorem ( 1992 ) corresponding to the scaling function has the compactly supported interplant . Therefore , the signals in multiresolution subspaces can be reconstructed exactly and quickly without any truncated errors except finite field length errors .
In this paper , for a class of non-stiff problems , the convergence and stability of multistep Runge-Kutta methods are discussed and a prior bound of the global truncated error for this methods is presented .
By delicate analytic methods , the cutting-off error estimates are obtained , which play important role in the study of elliptic problems with the critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents .