
  • 网络Strategic interaction
  1. 近年来,印度与美国日本之间有了明显的战略互动。

    In the past few years , there have been some obviously strategic interactions among India , America and Japan .

  2. 该领域分析公司取得和运用市场势力,公司间的战略互动作用和政府竞争政策的作用。

    This field analyzes the acquisition and use of market power by firms , strategic interactions among firms , and the role of government competition policy .

  3. 企业生命周期&技术创新战略互动机理研究

    The Interaction Mechanism of Enterprise Lifecycle and Technology Innovation Strategy

  4. 产品市场与金融市场的战略互动与经济增长

    Strategic Interaction between Product Markets Financial Markets and Economic Growth

  5. 环境与企业战略互动的理论解释

    Theoretical Explanation of Interaction between Environment and Enterprise Strategy

  6. 薪酬和绩效良性战略互动的探讨

    Discussion About Strategic Interaction Between Salary and Performance

  7. 9·11以来的大国战略互动:中国、印度与美国

    Strategic Interaction Between Large Countries after " 9.11 " Attacks : China . India and America

  8. 博弈论与战略互动

    Game Theory and Strategic Interaction

  9. 企业债务融资决策行为与产品市场竞争行为之间具有战略互动作用。

    Strategically , The debt financing decision and product-market competitive decision will have interactive effects on each other .

  10. 第一,价值战具体细分为三种状态:竞争博弈状态、相互难以模仿状态及战略互动状态。

    First , value war can be classified into three conditions specifically : competition gaming , mutually inimitable and strategic interaction .

  11. 全球性和区域性三角关系构成的地缘战略互动成为国际关系和地区问题的支点。

    Strategic interaction formed by global and regional triangle becomes to be the fulcrum of study on international relations and regional issues .

  12. 在这种新的竞争环境下,企业所面临的不确定性因素增多,竞争对手间的战略互动节奏明显加快。

    In such new competitive environment , companies are facing increasing uncertainty , strategic interaction between competitors significantly speed up the pace .

  13. 与非战略性区位理论不同,战略性区位理论将其分析置于区位主体的战略互动行为的基础之上。

    In contrast to non - strategic location theory , strategic location theory lays its analysis on their strategic interaction of location subjects .

  14. 新竞争环境下,竞争对手之间的战略互动明显加快,企业面临的不确定性因素更加突出,企业如何在动态复杂的变化环境中持续地创造新的竞争优势成为企业战略的核心。

    In the new competitive environment , the interactive strategies distinctly accelerate among competitors . The uncertain factors which enterprises are facing are more extrusive .

  15. 达成实质性的多边合作不仅涉及到权力结构、战略互动模式和制度形式等因素,更需要共同利益和集体身份。

    Qualitative multilateral cooperation requires not only certain power structure , strategic interaction , and institutional arrangement , but also collective identity and common interests .

  16. 企业通过培育基于顾客价值的优势资源,对资源的重新整合以匹配顾客价值的要求这样的战略互动过程实现它们的匹配。

    A company will reach this matching through developing the superior resource based on customer value and such strategy interaction course of rearranging and amalgamate resource to match the request of customer value .

  17. 论文主要论述普京执政以来俄美关系的发展进程,特别关注俄美战略互动及影响俄美关系发展的因素。

    The dissertation discusses the evolvement of Russia-US relations after Putin came into power . It mainly concerns the strategic interactions between Russia and US , as well as the influential factors about its evolvement .

  18. 而且,在东亚区域,中日两者之间的认同,特别是两者间区域秩序逻辑认同、历史的认同以及两者的战略互动对区域认同的影响尤为关键。

    Furthermore , the identities between China and Japan , especially , the identity of the logic of the regional order , the identity of their mutual history , their strategic practices are very essential to East Asia regional identity .

  19. 首先对所研究的问题进行实证分析:从税收竞争的政府间战略互动模型出发,得到相应的税收竞争反应函数,进而用数理模型刻画税源与税收背离的集散效应。

    First , the research question for empirical analysis : from tax competition intergovernmental strategic interaction model , the obtained reaction function corresponding tax competition , and thus with the mathematical model characterizes the distribution deviates from tax sources and tax effects .

  20. 美印战略关系互动及其发展趋势

    Interaction of US-Indian Strategic Relations and Its Development Trend

  21. 公司治理与战略管理互动关系研究

    Analysis of Relationship between Corporation Governance and Strategic Management

  22. 介绍了世博会与上海品牌战略的互动要求。

    The author introduces the interactive relationship between the World Expo and the brand strategy of Shanghai .

  23. 企业生命周期与技术创新战略的互动机理是企业技术创新战略选择的理论依据。

    The interaction mechanism between enterprise lifecycle and technology innovation strategy is the theoretic basis of such selection .

  24. 在此基础上探讨全球视角中的飞地型地缘战略三角互动关系的理论(模式)与实践。

    Then , Searches for the enclave geopolitical strategic triangle interaction theory and Practice on a global perspective .

  25. 本文试从历史的角度来分析波兰的独立与俄罗斯对外战略的互动关系。

    This essay tries to analyse the mutual relation of Polish independence and Russian foreign strategy from a historic point of view .

  26. 构建竞争优势:竞争情报与企业战略管理的互动与融合

    Building Competitive Advantage : the Interplay Relation between Competitive Intelligence and Strategy Management

  27. 钱德勒战略与结构互动分析框架的理论模型构建

    A Theoretic Constructing of the Chandler 's Structure-strategy Model Based on Haken Model

  28. 企业战略与制度互动机制的研究述评及启示

    A Review of the Literature of Interactive Mechanism between Corporate Strategy and Institution and Its Implications for Future Research in China

  29. 对连云港港口发展阶段进行了划分,并选择管理创新战略、港城互动战略、市场拓展战略、产业优化战略、结构调整战略五个方面作为战略实施重点。

    Moreover , Lian Yun Gang harbor development is divided into several stages and the key strategic implementation points are the managerial innovation strategy , the interactive harbor-city strategy , the market open-up strategy , the industry optimization strategy , and the structure regulation strategy .

  30. 中国中小企业EC战略中的在线互动营销方法研究

    The Online Interactive Marketing Methods in the EC Strategies of Chinese SMEs