
  1. 体育团队精神,是一个运动团队共同的信念和追求、作风和战斗士气、凝聚力和纪律性等内容的综合反映。

    The group-spirit is a composite reflection of faith , ideal , style , morale , cohesion and discipline in a sports-group .

  2. 作为一位作曲家,在全面抗战爆发之初,他便创作了抗战歌曲,鼓舞了群众的战斗士气并受到人民的普遍欢迎和广泛传唱。

    As a composer , before the full outbreak of war , he created songs for anti-Japanese war that inspired the people and were very popular among the common people .

  3. 并且依靠轰炸来掩藏他们胆小、恐惧、以及缺乏战斗士气的致命弱点。

    Also , it depends on intensive air bombing and , that is to hide its biggest weakness point which is fear , coward ness , and the lack of the fighting spirit within the American soldiers .

  4. 第一次世界大战以来,美国军事心理学发展迅速并广泛地应用于军事领域,从人员选拔、训练绩效、战斗士气以及心理健康等方面促进了部队战斗力的提高。

    American military psychology has developed rapidly and been applied abroad to military fields , such as personal recruitment , training performance , fighting sprits and mental health since the First World War , which has improved the army 's battle effectiveness .

  5. 还要抓紧部队训练,提高战斗力,提高士气。

    Moreover , we should lose no time in training our troops so as to raise their combat effectiveness and their morale .