
More than half of eggs were laid in 14 d and over 80 % eggs were laid in 28 d after adult eclosion .
In the first April , the overwintering larva makes a oval papal chamber in xylem . After 13 ~ 15 days , the adult emerges .
The adults mate in 7 ~ 25 days after emergence and oviposit 22 ~ 23 days later .
The duration of emergence of adults was 4 to 12 days , and each emergence lasted for 20 to 25 min.
Mortality of larvae from 2nd to 5th instar was significantly higher , and the weight of survival larvae , pupation rate and eclosion rate were significantly lower fed on transgenic two genes cotton compared with that fed on transgenic Bt gene cotton .
- 6 o clock in the next morning after emergence , the adults begin to copulate , each copulation last 1.5-3 hours , and lay 40 or more eggs per female singly on the lower surfaces of apple leaves .
The results of observing experiment there showed that it overwinters as a larva , has one generation in two year ; the high time for adult eclosion are June 22 to July 15 every year ( 14d to 24d ) .
From egg to adult eclosion was studied in this paper .
Adults emergence period from 9 ∶ 00 to 11 ∶ 00 a.
The average time from adult worm emergence to oviposition was 5.5 d.
Continuous rainfall is not conducive to adult emergence .
Hot and dry summer is conducive to adult emergence , spawning , hatching .
The time of adult emergence was directly related to the temperature in April .
Soon after the emergence of male and female adult , they matured and mating .
Study on Hyphantria cunea ( drury ) living through winter generation adult emergence and oviposition habits
The adults have the habits hiding in pupa cell and shifting upwards aswell as phototaxis .
In the whole period of emergence , there is no need to change the trap carrier .
The larva stage lasts two and half months and begins to pupate in the mid of July .
In the eclosion peak , DU - ⅱ black light lamp may be used to trap and kill adult .
The adult emergence showed well-defined rhythm about 67.8 % of them for 17 ~ 19 hours under natural conditions .
The nymphs settle and feed on leaves in summer . The male adults emerge in late autumn and die after mating .
On all host plants , significant relationships were founded between larval survival , duration of larval stage , pupal weight , adult eclosion rate and fecundity .
According to the number of pests trapped per day , the emergence curves of main pests were drawn to forecast the generation , occurrence time and population .
The density of Chironomid larvae in the eutrophic lake is high . They can consume a large amout of organics detritus before the adult emergence and fly away to land .
The lowest emergence ratio was found during 2:00 - 5:00 . It was concluded that the adult emergence was influenced by light rhythm and temperature , and also had a day night rhythm .
Emergence rhythm of adult indicated that most adults ( female and male insect ) emerged from 7:00 to 19:00 . The rate of pupa emergence was 82.5 % and the emergence peak was at 13:00 p. m.
In addition , there was obviously positive relations of resistance level to the content of rough protein , of fineness of rice grain to emergence rate of adult , susceptibility index , and gapped glume rate .
The grade-I , grade-II and mature eggs began to be generated in the ovary at pharate adult stage , newly-emerged-adult stage and 12 h after emergence , respectively .
Adult behavior and circadian rhythm of sex pheromone production and release of the legume pod borer were investigated at ( 29 ± 1 )℃ and 75 % - 80 % RH under 14L ∶ 10D .
Adults appear from early June , early September finally see , the occurrence of about 90 days on the peak in mid-July .