
  • 网络mineralization epoch;metallogenic epoch
  1. 富硫化物含金石英脉中单颗粒锆石U-Pb同位素测年显示早加里东期是河台金矿床主成矿期,成矿年龄为492±16Ma;

    A U-Pb isotope age of individual zircon grains in sulfide-rich gold-bearing quartz veins show that the early Caledonian is the main mineralization epoch , and the metallogenetic age is 492 ± 16Ma .

  2. 成矿期脆性断裂的多次继承性活动分别控制了热液期4个成矿阶段。

    Several times of pulsation of ore-controlling fault in mineralization epoch respectively controlled four phases of mineralization in hydrothermal stage .

  3. 研究表明,主成矿期流体稀土元素配分模式均为轻稀土富集,Eu具明显正异常。

    Chondrite normalized REE patterns in fluid inclusions of main mineralization stage show patterns with light REE enrichment and a huge positive Eu anomaly .

  4. 矿床形成于两个时期,即地洼初动期的沉积&成岩矿化期(T3-E1)和地洼激烈期的改造成矿期(E2)。

    The deposits underwent two formation stages , i. e. , the formation of sedimentary-diagenetic mineralization in diwa initial-mobility period ( T3-E1 ) and the formation of the transformed mineralization in diwa maximum-mobility period ( E2 ) .

  5. 在εNd(t)-t图上,成矿期萤石数据点的投影域与赋矿围岩的基本吻合,均落在相山元古宙基底演化域范围内。

    In the ε Nd ( t ) vs. t diagram , the plot area of data points for fluorite of ore forming stage is generally identical with that of the host rocks .

  6. 流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温及成分分析结果表明:成矿期石英流体包裹体十分发育,主要有气液两相、富CO2三相、纯CO2单相三种类型。

    The fluid inclusion petrography , microthermometry and component analysis results show that : Fluid inclusions in quartz crystals are well developed in the mineralization period and can be classified into aqueous two-phase , CO2-rich three-phase inclusions and CO2-pure single-phase inclusions .

  7. 金矿石样品中绢云母246.9Ma和246.5Ma的Ar-Ar坪年龄记录了金矿床主成矿期的时代。

    Sericite in gold ore samples give Ar-Ar plateau ages of 246.9 and 246.5 Ma , recording the age of the main mineralization stage of the gold deposit .

  8. 中国铜矿床成矿期划分及其时空分布特征

    Metallogenic period division and time-spatial distribution of copper deposits in China

  9. 在时间上,主成矿期与强烈伸展期相对应;

    The main ore-forming periods agree with the extension in time .

  10. 中国第四纪外生矿床的成因类型与成矿期

    Genetic Types and Formation Periods of the Quaternary Exogenic Deposits in China

  11. 华力西晚期&燕山早期为主要成矿期。

    The principal metallogenic epoch is the late Variscianearly Yanshan .

  12. 新疆东准噶尔地区构造演化及主要成矿期

    Tectonic evolution and main metallogenetic periods of East Junggar Region Xinjiang China

  13. 金矿床的主成矿期为晚侏罗世&早白垩世。

    Major ore-forming period of gold is in late Jurassic to early Cretaceous .

  14. 主要成矿期为晚古生代早期(泥盆纪-二叠纪),成矿作用复杂、类型繁多。

    The major ore-forming period is late Paleozoic and mineralization has been complicated .

  15. 但同成矿期活动明显地表现为脆性破裂。

    But same ore forming stage shows brittleness fracture .

  16. 同成矿期构造减压扩容对内生金矿的控制作用

    Control Function of Metallogenetic Epoch Structral Decompression and Expansion on Endogenic Gold Deposits

  17. 内生热液成矿期主要分为4个成矿阶段;

    The endogenetic hydrothermal solution mineralization period is mainly divided into four mineralization stages ;

  18. 新构造运动期是云南红土型金矿的重要成矿期。

    The neotectonic period is the principal metallogenic period of the laterite gold deposits .

  19. 胶东内生金矿成矿期次和成矿时代的讨论

    A discussion on the ore-forming stages and times of endogenous gold in East Shandong Province

  20. 中国锑矿床最重要的成矿期为泥盆纪和侏罗-白垩纪。

    The most important metallogenic period of antimony in China is Devonian and Yanshan Period .

  21. 就全球而言,前寒武纪和新生代是金矿的重要成矿期。

    Among them the Precambrian and Cenozoic eras are the main metallogenic epoches in the world .

  22. 地洼阶段活跃与平静交替时期是铀的成矿期

    Transition from active to quiet period in DIWA development is an important period of uranium mineralization

  23. 冀西北东坪金矿床的成矿期次及成矿阶段研究

    A Study on Metallogenic Episodes and Metallogenic Stages of Dongping Gold Deposit , Northwest Hebei Province

  24. 成岩期即为主成矿期,后期含矿热液叠加使局部变富或构成工业矿体。

    The local enrichment of industrial orebody is formed by the posterior ore bearing hydrothermal superimposition .

  25. 湖南锡矿山锑矿田成矿期构造特征及控矿机制

    The structure characteristics and the mechanism of ore - control of Xikuangshan antimony field , Hunan Province

  26. 苏州高岭土矿成矿期后的矿物演化及其与矿体改造的关系

    The Relationship between the post-ore Mineral Evolution of Kaolin Deposits in Suzhou and the Transformation of Orebodies

  27. 此时期也是中国东部多金属,金、银的主要成矿期。

    This period is also the main mineral-forming period of multi-metals , gold and silver in East China .

  28. 本文定位于滇东南铝土矿主要成矿期构造背景和岩相古地理研究。

    This paper focuses on the geological setting and palaeogeography of the main metallogenic epochs of southeastern Yunnan .

  29. 锰的成矿期为诺利克期,矿床的沉积&构造背景是岛弧向陆一翻的泻湖沉积。

    Its sedimentary structure is a lagoon deposit of an island are on the side of the continent .

  30. 成矿期矿化体上部帽状泥质地层为遮挡层。

    A cap shaped argillaceous cover existing on the upper part of ore bodies works as a shielding layer .