
chénɡ běn jià
  • cost price
  1. 这光盘可按成本价购买。

    Copies of the CD can be purchased at cost price .

  2. 论最低个别成本价的构成要素

    Components of lowest single cost price

  3. 去年,汉堡王的特许经销商就因为双层奶酪汉堡的促销活动而起诉该公司,声称以1美元出售这些成本价为1。10美元的产品对他们来说是不公平的。

    Last year Burger franchiseessuedthe company over its double-cheeseburger promotion , claiming it was unfair for them to be repuired to sell these for $ 1 when they cost $ 1.10 to make .

  4. 会计处理方法差别很大——汇丰(HSBC)按成本价计算投资,而经纪商兼交易商高盛(GoldmanSachs)必须按市价来记入其持有的股票头寸。

    Accounting treatments vary - HSBC carries its investments at cost , while broker-dealer Goldman Sachs must mark its position to market .

  5. 这家公司靠提供低于成本价的DVD诱惑你进去,在你进去之后他们可以卖给你一台洗衣机,这将有利可图。

    The company is offering the DVD below cost to lure you into the store , where it hopes to sell you a washing machine at a profit .

  6. 本月早些时候,公司首席执行官杰夫•贝索斯透露,最新款Kindle升级版KindleFire以及带背光功能的KindlePaperwhite是在以成本价销售,并没有给亚马逊带来利润。

    Earlier this month , CEO Jeff Bezos revealed the latest kindles updated kindle fire units and the self-lit Kindle paperwhite do not profit Amazon and are sold at cost .

  7. 纽约Faviana设计室专门重新制作如在奥斯卡这种大事件上穿的“成功”服装,并以成本价的几分之一卖出。

    The Faviana design house in New York specializes in reproducing " hit " dresses worn at events such as the Oscars and selling them at a fraction of the cost of the original .

  8. 说实话,这差不多就是成本价了。

    To tell the truth , this is almost cost price .

  9. 反垄断法视野中的低于成本价销售行为

    The Sale Performance below Cost in the View of Antitrust Law

  10. 无形资产在资产负债表中以成本价列示。

    Intangible assets appear in the balance sheet at their cost .

  11. 公路工程施工招标成本价的甄别和量化研究

    Study on Discrimination and Quantization for Inviting Biddings Cost in Highway Engineering

  12. 关于工程造价与招标投标管理中成本价问题的思考

    Consideration on the Project 's Cost and the Management of Bid Price

  13. 浅谈投标报价评审方法及投标中的成本价

    About the Appraisal Method for Bid Price and Cost Price

  14. 成本价评审的理论及方法研究

    Research on the Theory and Method of Cost Price Evaluation

  15. 然后这些药物就可以按成本价提供给穷人。

    The medicines could then be provided to the poor at cost .

  16. 实话和您说吧,这已经是成本价了。

    To tell you the truth , it 's almost at cost price .

  17. 另外公司不能以低于成本价的价格进行出口以控制市场。

    And companies cannot export products below-cost to gain control of a market .

  18. 你说你低于成本价销售这些商品。

    You say you sell these items below cost .

  19. 我们能从朋友处以成本价买到家具。

    We were able to buy the furniture from a friend at cost .

  20. 投标价格低于成本价的界定

    Determining Boundary of Bid Prices Lower than Cost Prices

  21. 你可以按成本价买这几种酒。

    You can buy the wines at cost .

  22. 沃兹想以成本价出售,

    Wozniak wanted to sell them for about what it cost to build them ,

  23. 这件大衣我是按成本价卖给你的。

    I sold you this coat at cost .

  24. 你的价格比我们成本价还低,无法接受。

    Your price is lower than our cost price , we can 't accept it .

  25. 招标法指的成本价应该是企业个别成本。

    Enterprises The cost price of bidding should be the specific cost of the corporation .

  26. 我们已经是以成本价供应了。

    We 're selling at cost already .

  27. 您总是可以按成本价迅速推出产品。

    You can always get a product out the door quickly & at a cost .

  28. 经评审的最低投标价法中低于成本价的界定问题研究

    Estimating the Bid Lower Than the Cost in the Method of Lowest Evaluated Bid Price

  29. 这是我方的生产成本价。

    This price is our production cost .

  30. 这几乎是成本价。

    It is almost at cost .