
chéng shú
  • mature;maturation;maturity;ripe;opportune;grow up;flower;come of age
成熟 [chéng shú]
  • (1) [ripe;mature;opportune]

  • (2) 果实或谷物成长到可收获的程度

  • 一片成熟的稻子

  • (3) 比喻事物达到一个完全成长的阶段,达到接近完善的程度

  • 成熟经验

成熟[chéng shú]
  1. 曾经作出承诺,时机一成熟就进行改革。

    Reforms were promised when the time was ripe .

  2. 社会变革的时机已经成熟。

    The conditions were ripe for social change .

  3. 经过过去这一年,他成熟了许多。

    He has matured a great deal over the past year .

  4. 这种奶酪至少要搁一年才成熟。

    The cheese is left to age for at least a year .

  5. 因天气寒冷,农作物今年成熟得晚。

    Because of the cold weather the crops are later this year .

  6. 克莱尔对待工作成熟而可信赖。

    Clare has a mature and responsible attitude to work .

  7. 简年龄不大,却很成熟。

    Jane is very mature for her age .

  8. 我父母离异时,事情处理得很成熟、很开放。

    When my parents split up , it was all very adult and open .

  9. 你的牛排要几成熟?

    How would you like your steak done ?

  10. 您要求您的牛排做到几成熟?

    How would you like your steak done ?

  11. 女孩比男孩性成熟早。

    Girls become sexually mature earlier than boys .

  12. 这一品种的牛发育成熟快。

    This particular breed of cattle matures early .

  13. 这个地区的葡萄酒业还远远没有完全成熟。

    The area 's wine industry still has a way to go to full maturity .

  14. 他们判断,提出贸易协定新条款的时机成熟了。

    They judged that the time was right for the proposal of new terms for the trade agreement .

  15. 他们纠正了我不成熟的泛泛之论,帮了我大忙。

    They were of great service in correcting my jejune generalizations .

  16. 匈牙利从今天起将拥有一个完全成熟的证券交易所。

    Hungary is to have a fully-fledged Stock Exchange from today .

  17. 在孩子身体发育成熟时,你就知道会发生什么事了。

    You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically

  18. 我见到的是一些聪明、成熟、品貌兼优的人。

    The people I met were intelligent , mature , personable .

  19. 这有助于新生发植株的成熟,令其开出繁茂的花朵。

    This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely

  20. 希望3年大学生活之后我能变成熟。

    Hopefully after three years at university I will have matured

  21. 把西红柿放在有阳光的窗台上可以让它们成熟。

    You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill .

  22. 那个小组里都是些有经验的成熟专业人士。

    It 's a team packed with experienced and mature professionals

  23. 他还是个毛头小子,幼稚得很,一点都不成熟。

    He was a young lad , very green , very immature .

  24. 这种疾病传播的条件已经成熟。

    The conditions are ripe for the spread of disease .

  25. 炙热的阳光使葡萄能够达到最佳成熟状态。

    The hot sun enables the grapes to reach optimum ripeness

  26. 他想引进具有领导素质的成熟人才。

    He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities

  27. 然后,这些植物就被授粉,从而成熟结籽。

    These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed .

  28. 她比我想象的更高、更成熟、更热切。

    She is taller than I imagined , more adult , more intense .

  29. 在这方面不成熟的举动很可能引发对改革的抵触情绪。

    Premature moves in this respect might well provoke a reaction against the reform

  30. 她承认他的成熟,他对此心怀感激。

    He appreciated her acknowledgement of his maturity .