- cratering

The surface cratered with the constant dropping of water .
Analysis of Crater Forming Characteristic by Liquid Drop Striking Structural Liquid Target
Testing Study on crater formed by explosion and propagation laws of ground shock in limestone
Formation of Craters By Hypervelocity Impact
Their favourite occupation seems to be digging massive craters in which they love to wallow when filled with water .
According to energy conversation and the analysis of the impacting energy transformation , the equation of the cavity diameters is obtained .
The surface cratered with the constant dropping of water . Pit - A non-removable imperfection found on the surface of a wafer .
The simulation results are compared with experimental results , and the simulated crater shapes and characteristic sizes are consistent very well with experimental results .
The effect of projectile density , shapes , target thickness , projectile diameter , impact velocity and angles etc. on crater has been investigated .
Based on analysis , variation laws of the bulkhead perforation , the large center hole in tank and the range of penetration pit according to speed changes are summarized .
The drag role of prestressed anchor interior bond section in the model test is analyzed systematically , which is caused by resistance of rock thrown during exploding into a pit .
A threshold value that divides the penetration and cratering in the failure modes of plates can be defined on the ratio of high frequency component amplitude to low frequency one .
As two practical examples , the process of pit formation from explosion of a missile penetrated into ground and the process of rock movement in bench blasting with two-row holes are simulated . Exercise .
A multi-scale probabilistic corrosion fatigue model that composed of four stages : pitting nucleation , pit growth , short crack growth , and long crack growth was proposed in this thesis .