
  • 网络Gozo;Gozo Island;Gozo, Malta
  1. 地质学家早就警告称,坐落于戈佐岛西北海岸线的“蓝窗”正在被快速侵蚀,有关部门已禁止游客在“蓝窗”顶部行走。

    Geologists had long warned that the structure , on the northwestern coast of the island of Gozo , was eroding fast and authorities had banned visitors from walking on top of it .

  2. 马耳他:圣布拉斯海滩,戈佐岛-的,可以在岛上发现了一些海滩的那样,这是最偏远之一,也是最美丽,最宁静。

    Malta : San Blas Beach , Gozo – Out of the several beaches that can be found on the island , this is one of the most remote as well as the prettiest and most tranquil .