
  • Sensory world;【电影】In the Realm of the Senses
  1. 她自己也似乎与此感官世界脱离关系。

    She also as if break relations with this sense organ world .

  2. 性的感官世界论检察机关的性质

    SENSE ORGANS On the Nature of Procuratorate

  3. 艺术是精神灵性世界在感官世界的倒影。

    Art is the mirror of the Spiritual World in the World of the senses .

  4. 性的感官世界

    The Sense of Technology

  5. 比彻姆博士说,遗传加上阅历,造就了我们每一个人的感官世界。

    ' Take your genetics plus your experience , and we are all living in our own sensory world , ' Dr. Beauchamp says .

  6. 在我们感官世界所展现的恶的迹象是为了让我们知道我们所持的信念的后果,但人类会从那种悲惨的境遇中觉醒就象是从一个恶梦中醒来一样。

    Evidence of evil in the world appears to our senses in order to let us know the consequences of the beliefs we hold , but mankind will awaken from that sadness as from a bad dream .

  7. 正是因为味觉感受的妙不可言,人们倾向于将味觉上升到感官世界以外的精神境界进行讨论,丰富了味觉审美的文化内涵。

    Just because the sense of taste is too wonderful for words , people tend to discuss taste in the realm of spirit , which is beyond sensatory perception , in which way , the cultural connotation of taste aesthetics has been enhanced .

  8. 另一方面,人类生活在物质世界中,一个充满丰富感官的世界中。

    On the other hand , we humans , we live in physical world . It 's rich , it tastes good , it feels good , it smells good .

  9. 经验主义一般以外在的世界为真实,虽然也承认有超感官的世界,但又认为对那一世界的知识是不可能找到的,因而认为我们的知识须完全限于知觉的范围。

    Generally speaking , empiricism finds the truth in the outward world , and even if it allow a supersensible world , it holds knowledge of that world to be impossible , and would restrict us to the province of sense perception .

  10. 是现代人以视觉感官3D立体世界、以视觉感官三维立体未来。

    Will be the modern people by the visual sense organ3D three-dimensional world , by the visual sense organ three Uygur three-dimensional future .

  11. 而在另一边的沟通回路上,则是人通过与生俱来的感官对物质世界进行的感知。

    On the other side of the communication loop , men use their innate sense organs to perceive the material world .

  12. 第一类接触即感官与真实世界的感觉对象的直接接触;

    The first contact of the activity of sensation means the organs of senses contact directly to their real world object .

  13. 翻译我们是靠五种感官来感知世界的。世界上最有意志的人都足以感到害怕

    We get to know the world by our five senses . It was enough to place horror upon the stoutest heart in the world

  14. 无论是有形的艺术品(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑、电影等等),还是无形的艺术品(包括音乐、诗歌、散文,小说等等),其本身亦即是能反映出艺术家感官和感情世界的一个世界。

    They are the world that reflects the sense and emotion of artists , no matter how the art works are visible ( including paintings , sculptures structure and motion picture ) or that are invisible ( such as music , poem , prose , novel and so on ) .

  15. 虚拟现实(VR:virtualReality)是计算机生成的给人多种感官刺激的虚拟世界(环境),是一种高级的人机交互系统。

    Virtual Reality ( VR ) can be defined as the simulation of the real world , and an advanced interactive system .

  16. 不久她就开始利用其它的感官来探查这个世界了。

    Soon she began to explore the world by using her other senses .

  17. 虽然眼睛看不见,但我们可以通过心灵和其他感官去感知这个世界。

    Although we can not see with our eyes , we can feel this world with our soul and other senses .

  18. 由于我们的感官混淆了那个世界的多个方面,我们永远无法知道这些感官是否在任何方面都是准确的。

    And because our senses conflate multiple aspects of that world , we can never know whether our perceptions are in any way accurate .

  19. 音乐除了带来赐的享受,还提供机会逃避日常糊口的压力,入进一个感官享受的审美世界。

    Apart from providing sheer enjoyment , music provides one with the opportunity to escape the daily pressures of life and enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure .

  20. 感官是个体认识世界以及自身的方式和尺度,是人们开展行为活动的基础。

    The sense organ is the way that the individual cognizes the world , also is the foundation that the people carries out the behavior and activity based on .

  21. 增强现实游历于虚拟现实和真实之间,是对现实世界的补充,它通过视觉、听觉、触觉等手段,使得向真实世界中增强的虚拟信息从用户的感官上成为真实世界的一部分。

    AR transfers between both virtual reality and reality , it makes great complements to the real world from vision , hearing and feeling , which make the virtual information merged in become one part of the real world .