
  • 网络couples;Lovers
  1. 我一时间很反感和情侣们在一起。

    I developed a temporary allergy to the company of couples .

  2. 其他桌上的情侣们正一边饮酒一边畅谈,兴致很高。

    At the other tables couples were now in a mellow mood , chattering happily and drinking .

  3. 此外,新人还可以选择包场使用羽田机场的休息室,还可选择在机场内的大厅举办婚宴。根据这项新服务,情侣们可以乘坐波音777-300ER飞机举行婚礼,该飞机通常用于目前尚未投入运营的国际航班。

    All Nippon Airways in air travel amid the COVID-19 pandemic . Under the new service , couples can hold their wedding ceremonies aboard Boeing 777-300ER jets normally used for international flights that are not currently in operation .

  4. 传统的恋爱多是通过人为的方式来认识对方,网恋的特殊性在于它是通过电子媒介,换句话说就是情侣们通过网络相识相知。

    It is believed that the traditional love is human action , while online affection is based on an electronic medium . In other words , couples make use of the medium -- the Internet to get to know each other .

  5. 正是考虑到情侣们特别重视属于他们的隐私,VCNC才将赌注压在了这样的应用上面。

    VCNC is betting that couples particularly value their privacy .

  6. 按常理说情侣们会私奔到苏格兰去结婚,不过James和SharonMcGregor和别人做得略有不同。他们瞒着所有家人和朋友,从苏格兰伐夫郡前往英格兰布莱顿举行秘密婚礼。然而他们的秘密婚礼曝光的方式却很出奇。

    Traditionally , couples elope to Scotland to get married , but James and Sharon McGregor did things a little different.Without telling their family or friends , they traveled from Fife to Brighton for their secret wedding .

  7. 英国奢侈品零售网站VeryFirstTo对外发布了史上最昂贵的情人节晚餐,由英国米其林星级饭店颠勺儿的厨师AdamSimmonds亲自上门为情侣们烹饪,八道菜品的价格需要6.1万欧元,即99478.80美元。究竟是什么菜能要价这么高?

    VeryFirstTo.com , a British retail luxury site is offering the services of top chefs , who will cook a no expense-spared romantic dinner.The cost of the dinner is said to be $ 99300 .

  8. VCNC希望一些优质的餐厅和推出了「浪漫假日」产品的旅行社能够在Between上面发布一些针对情侣们的商业广告,同时它还将向用户们提供一些譬如将见证爱情之路的相片打印成册的高端服务。

    The firm hopes that nice restaurantsand sellers of romantic holidays will pay to pitch to loved-up couples . It alsoplans to offer premium services , such as the printing of photobooks documentingthe progress of a relationship .

  9. 而静静牵手的情侣们则宣告着更为深入的关系。

    But a couple quietly holding hands shows something deeper .

  10. 许多崇尚浪漫的年轻情侣们纷纷表示支持他的选择。

    Many romantic young couples have sympathized with his choice .

  11. 他们让情侣们变得盲目,当他们掩盖他们的每一个谎言

    They make lovers blind when they cover every inch of their lies

  12. 秘密情侣们,这只是你们的想法

    Secret lovers - it 's just your place of mind

  13. 全国上下的情侣们两个节日都会满怀热情的庆祝。

    Both are embraced with gusto bycouples across the country .

  14. 但是,害了相思病的年轻情侣们都私奔何方呢?

    But , where do lovelorn young couples elope ?

  15. 这是情侣们幽会最喜欢的去处。

    It was a favourite trysting place of couples .

  16. 月光沐浴着年轻情侣们相依而坐的花园。

    Moonlight bathed the garden where the Yong lovers sat.

  17. 背靠大海,相约来这里照相的情侣们是幸福的。

    Proximity to the sea , similar to photography lovers here is happy .

  18. 情侣们会在浪漫之都巴黎度蜜月,或是庆祝结婚纪念日。

    Many couples visit the city of love on their honeymoon or wedding anniversary .

  19. 年轻的情侣们啊听从我的警告,不要追求不必要的痛苦。

    Young lovers all , be warned by me , Cease courting needless misery .

  20. 看到情侣们在大庭广众前拥抱真令人难为情。

    A : It 's embarrassing to see lovers holding each other in public .

  21. 情侣们在眺望着帆船。

    The lovers are watching the sailing boat .

  22. 情侣们漫步在田野间,完全忘了时间。

    roam The lovers roamed around the fields in complete forgetfulness of the time .

  23. 爱丽丝:我们鼓励情侣们在当天约会时遵循低碳原则。

    Alice : We encourage them to spend the day together going on low-carbon dates .

  24. 她建议那些就职于同一家公司的情侣们,不要公开自己的私生活。

    She advises pairs in the same company to keep their personal lives to themselves .

  25. 情侣们互换爱情日记的日子。

    When couples exchange their love diaries .

  26. 这一天也成了情侣们相会的日子。

    Now , the Double Seventh Festival is also called the Chinese Valentine 's Day .

  27. 在对方的身上,他们都找到了对情侣们来说最吸引人的与众不同的特点。

    Each found in the other the unusual qualities that are most attractive to lovers .

  28. 该组织还号召情侣们用剩下的包装纸自制贺卡。

    Couples are also being urged to make their own cards from left-over wrapping paper .

  29. 同时,齐峥也建议情侣们努力加深相互间的了解。

    Qi , meanwhile , suggests that couples try to be more understanding of each other .

  30. 晚霞中,岸边蕉林椰树为情侣们轻吟低唱;

    The rosy sunset , the shore banana and coconut trees for lovers sing low light ;