• realize;understand;awaken;wake up
  • 理解,明白,觉醒:醒~。领~。参(cān)~。感~。觉~。大彻大~。


(了解; 领会; 觉醒) understand; wake up; realize; awaken:

  • 醒悟

    come to realize the truth or one's error;

  • 执迷不悟

    refuse to come to one's senses;

  • 翻然悔悟

    quickly wake up to one's error

  1. 我要跟你们强调:这个培养觉性的方法让我了悟“色-名”。

    I would like to insist that this method of developing awareness made me understand Rupa-Nama .

  2. 但是现在我知道得更多,也悟到了以前不理解的事情。

    But I know better now . I understand those things that I did not understand before .

  3. 学党史、悟思想、办实事、开新局,以昂扬姿态奋力开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,以优异成绩迎接建党一百周年。

    We need to embark build a modern socialist China and welcome the Party 's centenary with outstanding achievements .

  4. 目前这桩交易更大的威胁是,IBM的报价太高了,以致于很可能会皤然反悟,不会当太长时间的冤大头。

    The bigger danger might be that IBM 's offer was too flattering and that Big Blue 's infatuation won 't last .

  5. 这部纪录片叫作《参悟佛法的小沙弥》(NoviceMonksCultivateDharmaWisdom),收视率出乎意料地好。

    Snappily titled ' Novice Monks Cultivate Dharma Wisdom , ' it was a surprise hit .

  6. 这词可在英文里译为enlightment启示,悟化。

    It is sometimes translated to English as ' enlightenment ' .

  7. 如果你现在还没有悟出什么,那么用词从驴转到ass就足以证明奥列芬特并非真正为牲畜流行病而担忧。

    If nothing else has tipped you off ① yet , that switch from donkey to'ass'should be evidence enough that Oliphant is not really worried about epizootics .

  8. 它的Phantom2无人机是有四个水平旋翼的直升机,起价为859美元(约合5330元人民币),而像“悟”Inspire1这样的高端机型起价为2900美元。

    Its Phantom 2 drone , a copter with four rotors , starts at $ 859 , while higher-end models like the Inspire 1 start at $ 2900 .

  9. 将新的4P(悟点、特点、爱点、恶点)分析方法用于对医药产品的分析等。

    Using the new 4P ( sense point , peculiarity point , fondness point , detesting point ) analysis method to analyze the medicine products .

  10. 人之悟感发展与教育的生本化改革

    Development of Human Beings ' Comprehension and Reform of Student-based Education

  11. 但是我在锄地时对此一无所悟。

    This was not the light in which I hoed them .

  12. 他说,他悟出了自由是什么。

    He said how much he learned about what freedom is .

  13. 要是说我悟出什么道理,那就是任何事情都是重要的。

    If Ive learned anything , it is that everything matters .

  14. 即使证悟觉性后,人生也将继续。

    Even when Consciousness Itself is Realized , human life continues .

  15. 这个案子对公悟为说是个巨大的麻烦。

    The court case was a huge embarrassment to the company .

  16. 全英格兰最好的犯罪调查专家能从中悟到什么

    What does that tell the foremost criminal investigator in England ?

  17. 师父的话完全了解自己就是了悟上帝!

    Masters words to know God is to know ourselves completely !

  18. 从这个有争执的语言禁忌的乱摊子当中,我们能悟出什么呢?

    What to make of this jumble of conflicting language taboos ?

  19. 这些是讲究竟的空性证悟。

    These are talks on the ultimate realization of Blank Essence .

  20. 这种知悟能力就像双刃剑。

    Perception 's a tool that 's pointed on both ends .

  21. 她照着镜子,悟出了时光老人的真谛。

    She looked in the mirror and received Time 's message .

  22. 我们可以从上下文中悟出该词的意思。

    We can get the meaning of the word from the context .

  23. 悟透自己有机味淋的开发

    Get a thorough understanding of oneself Development of Organic Mirin

  24. 可悲的是我居然要到意大利才能参悟到这个道理。

    Sad that I had to go to Italy to realize that .

  25. 以文为本,让学生先感后悟。

    By wen as this , let students first feeling after enlightenment .

  26. “悟”就是见性,是人生观和世界观的根本转变。

    " Awakening " is that the man reveals his ture nature .

  27. 承师心悟&滋阴降火法治疗多囊卵巢综合征

    Yin - Enriching and Fire - Downbearing Therapy for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  28. 这样他慢慢地悟过来了。

    So he 's beginning to see a joke again .

  29. 我们天生善感、善悟,我们喜欢游戏。

    We are emotional and understandable , we love gaming .

  30. 突然想到,猛然悟到一种解决问题的方法。

    Arrive at or come upon , as of solutions to problems .
