
  1. 透过此窗口,一座灯火通明的工厂呈现眼前,一个疏散的恒星团正逐渐形成。

    Through this window , a brightly-lit workshop appears where a whole open cluster of stars is being formed .

  2. 在此基础上,我们运用恒星团星族合成方法,分析了一些蓝致密星系的光学谱。

    On the basis of this , we apply the population synthesis method based on star cluster integrated spectra to some BCGs optical spectra .

  3. 天文学家为婴儿恒星团在旋臂中产生而兴奋,因为这能帮助他们更好的了解恒星是如何在星系边远处产生的。

    Astronomers are excited that the clusters of baby stars match up with the extended arms , because this helps them better understand how stars can be created out in the " backwoods " of a galaxy .

  4. 星系团包含的不仅仅只是富含恒星的星系团,还包括发出x射线的炽热气体。

    The cluster contains not only galaxies filled with stars but also gas so hot it glows in X-rays .

  5. 而下一颗恒星就是从这团物质中形成的,因为这团物质具备了产生新太阳系和行星的基本元素。

    The next generation of baby stars forms from this material now enriched with building blocks for growing new solar systems and planets .

  6. 综述了疏散星团的研究现状,对成员判别、基本参数确定、团与恒星的演化、团的结构和动力学进行了详细评述。

    In this paper , current research of open cluster is reviewed , and membership determination , basic parameters determination , evolution of cluster and cluster members , structure and dynamics of open cluster arc also described in detail .