- the General Political Department

The General Political Department administrates the army 's Party work and organizes and conducts its political work .
We must see to it that , under the leadership of the General Political Department , all the greater military regions and all services and arms do well in this work .
The political organ system stipulates that a political department ( section ) shall be set up in a unit at or above the regiment level , and a general political department for the PLA ;
For example , why should the three general departments , the Headquarters of the General Staff , the General Political Department and the General Logistics Department , all have such big establishments ?
It is of benefit to implement the spirits of the documents formulated by the General Staff Headquarters and General Political Department , and improve the teaching and learning of the Higher education military courses .
Through the General Staff Headquarters , the General Political Department , the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department , the CMC exercises operational command over the whole PLA and leadership for the development of the PLA .