
  1. 薯蓣(DioscoreaoppositaThunb.)又名淮山,俗称山药,属薯蓣科薯蓣属缠绕性藤本植物,具有较高的药用价值和营养价值,是我国著名的四大怀药之一。

    Yam ( Dioscorea opposita Thunb . ), also known as yam , commonly known as yam , is a winding vine of the genus Dioscorea . Dioscoreaceae with high medicinal value and nutritional value is one of the famous four pregnant drug .

  2. 其中焦作的四大怀药最为著名。

    Jiaozuo with one of the four most famous drug .

  3. 盛产于焦作的“四大怀药”,有着悠久的历史。

    Teem with at anxious make " medicine of4 big bosoms ", having long history .

  4. 3为了解决火焰原子吸收法灵敏度低,不合直接测定怀药中铅、镉等重金属的局限,探讨了巯基化合物应用于测定铅、镉的分离富集方法研究。

    In the third part , as the sensitivity of FAAS is low for lead , cadmium , we have to enrich it before determination .

  5. 四大怀药药用价值为世人称道,也为四大怀药的产业开发打下了良好的基础。

    The medical value of Four Huai Medicines is acclaimed by the world , also plays a solid ground for industrialization of Serial Products of Four Huai Medicines .

  6. 怀地黄[Rehmanniaglutinosaf.hueichingensis(ChanetSehih)Hsiao]为玄参科地黄属的一种药用植物,是我国著名的四大怀药之一。

    Rehmannia glutinosa f. hueichingensis ( Chan et Sehih ) Hsiao , a medicinal plant which belongs to Scrophulariaceae , Rehmannia is one of the Four Famous Huai Medicine .