
niàn zhū jūn xìnɡ yīn dào yán
  • Candidal vaginitis;monilial vaginitis
  1. 氟康唑治疗念珠菌性阴道炎46例

    Treatment of monilial vaginitis on 46 cases with fluconazole

  2. 目的为了解生殖道支原体在晚期孕妇、育龄妇女、念珠菌性阴道炎和淋球菌性阴道炎患者中的感染状况。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the infection of Mycoplasma genitalium in pregnant women in later period , women at childbearing age and female patients suffering from monilial vaginitis and gonococcus vaginitis .

  3. 目的探讨白色念珠菌性阴道炎对人精子顶体反应(AR)的影响机制。

    Objective : To explore the mechanism of C.albicans vaginitis on acrosome reaction ( AR ) in human sperm .

  4. 目的探讨复发性念珠菌性阴道炎(recurrencevanginalcandidasis,RVC)患者的心理状况及其婚姻质量。

    Objective To study the psychologic status and quality of marriage of patients with RVC .

  5. SIgA对阴道黏膜具有重要的保护作用,可作为鉴别念珠菌性阴道炎的辅助诊断方法。

    CONCLUSIONS SIgA has the important protection function to the vaginal mucous membrane and can be used as to discriminate and lend support to the diagnosis method to candidal vaginitis .

  6. 用放射免疫法检测了120例健康育龄妇女、41例念珠菌性阴道炎患者和29例阴道念珠菌带菌者阴道sIgA的浓度。

    The sIgA concentrations in the vaginal secretion of 120 health childbearing age women , 41 women with vaginal candidiasis and 29 carriers of vaginal candida have been determined by RIA .

  7. 目的:了解小鼠白念珠菌性阴道炎阴道局部白介素-27(IL-27)的水平变化特点和在感染中的作用以及与小鼠机体免疫状况的关系。

    Objective : To determine the vaginal IL-27 ex pression in experimental murine vaginal candidiasis and its relationship to host immune status .

  8. 高浓度低温等离子体治疗念珠菌性阴道炎的效果

    A study of high-concentration-and-low-temperature plasma in the treatment of monilial vaginitis

  9. 特比奈芬治疗念珠菌性阴道炎疗效观察

    Observation of the Efficiency of Terbinafine to Treat the Candidal Vaginitis

  10. 念珠菌性阴道炎患者临床感染念珠菌特点和药敏分析

    Clinical infective character and susceptibility analysis of candidal vaginitis patients

  11. 阿是祛痒洗剂熏浸治疗糖尿病念珠菌性阴道炎的临床疗效分析

    Treatment of Diabetic Candidal Vaginitis : Clinical Effect of Ashi Dispel-itch Solution

  12. 二联活菌洁阴制剂治疗念珠菌性阴道炎动物模型的实验研究

    Double - valent Live Germ Agent for Therapy of Experimental Candidal Vaginitis

  13. 念珠菌性阴道炎病理变化与机体免疫反应的关系

    Relationship between pathological changes of monilial vaginitis and immune response

  14. 复发性念珠菌性阴道炎生态治疗的微生态研究

    Research on microecosystem of recrudescent bacteroidal vaginitis in ecosystem cure

  15. 目的:探讨妊娠期念珠菌性阴道炎最佳治疗方法。

    Objective : To explore the best treatment of candida vaginitis in pregnancy .

  16. 伊曲康唑治疗念珠菌性阴道炎40例疗效观察

    An Effective Observation of Itraconazole in Treatment of 40 Patients with Candidal Vaginitis

  17. 白色念珠菌性阴道炎对人精子顶体反应影响机制的初步探讨

    Study the mechanism of Candida albicans vaginitis on acrosome reaction in human sperm

  18. 念珠菌性阴道炎模型小鼠阴道黏膜中CD11c~+树突状细胞的变化

    Variations of CD11c positive dendritic cells in vaginal mucosa of mouse with Candidal vaginitis

  19. 念珠菌性阴道炎小鼠模型的建立

    Establishment of Candida albicans in a mouse model

  20. 延华胶囊栓剂治疗妊娠期念珠菌性阴道炎疗效探讨

    The therapeutic efficacy of Yan-hua Capsules suppository in the pregnancy women with candida vaginitis

  21. 大剂量达克宁联合氟康唑片短期治疗念珠菌性阴道炎临床观察

    Clinical research on high-dose fluconazole and miconazole suppository in short-term treatment of vaginal candidiasis

  22. 氟康唑与达克宁栓治疗念珠菌性阴道炎的疗效比较

    Compare the Curative Effect of Cure Monilia Vaginitis between Fluconazole Tablets and Miconazole Nitrate Suppositories

  23. 目的观察药物易启康(国产伊曲康唑)治疗不典型念珠菌性阴道炎的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical effect of YIQIKANG of treatment on atypical Candidal Vaginitis .

  24. 达克宁栓与斯皮仁诺联合治疗复发性念珠菌性阴道炎的疗效观察

    Observations on the Combined Therapeutic Effect of Miconazole Nitrate Pessary and Itraconazole on Recurrent Candidal Vaginitis

  25. 盆腔炎院内继发念珠菌性阴道炎的临床分析臭氧治疗外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病的临床观察

    Clinical Analysis of Candidal Vaginitis Caused by Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Effects of Ozone Therapy on Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

  26. 昆明小鼠白色念珠菌性阴道炎模型构建条件的摸索硝呋太尔制霉素治疗孕期念珠菌性阴道炎疗效观察

    Study of Candida Albicans Vaginitis Model in Kunming-mice Effect of nifuratel nysfungin vaginal soft capsules on vulvovaginitis candidiasis during pregnancy

  27. 结论中药阿是祛痒洗剂熏浸治疗糖尿病念珠菌性阴道炎不失为一种疗效显著的治疗方法,临床上有良好的应用前景。

    CONCLUSIONS The treatment with Ashi Dispel-itch solution is effective to diabetic Candidal vaginitis and can be widely used in clinic .

  28. 目的通过研究雌、孕激素水平与复发性念珠菌性阴道炎的相关性,探索辅助治疗疾病的新方法。

    Objective To explore the relationship between the level of estrogen progestin and palindromia of monilial vaginitis and new method on ancillary treatment .

  29. 目的:观察壳聚糖妇科栓治疗念珠菌性阴道炎、细菌性阴道病的临床疗效。

    AIM : To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of chitosan gynecologic suppository in the treatment of candidal vaginitis and bacteroidal vagina disease .

  30. 念珠菌性阴道炎检测阳性率与末次给药时限的相关性研究

    Study of the relationship between different time from the last treating day to sampling day and the result of positive rate in candida vaginitis patients