
  • 网络mental quality training
  1. 心理素质训练对军人应对方式的影响

    Effect of mental quality training on coping style of military personnel

  2. 说明心理素质训练对提高防空兵心理素质有效。

    It show mental quality training can improve mental health of antiaircraft force validity .

  3. 心理素质训练后SCL-90各因子分显著低于训练前,应对方式因子中解决问题和求助因子分显著高于训练前。

    Result : the score of all the indexes in SCL-90 for military hired nurses were obviously lower after psychological diathesis training than that before .

  4. 射击心理素质训练八法

    Talking about the Eight Ways of Psychological Diathesis about Police Shooting

  5. 篮球竞赛中罚球的心理素质训练

    An Opinion of the Psychological Quality Training in the Competition of Basketball

  6. 信息化战场环境与军人心理素质训练

    Effects of Informationized Battlefield on Servicemen Psychology and Its Countermeasures

  7. 军事体育教学中加强学员心理素质训练探讨

    Research on Strengthening Students ' Mind Quality of Training in Military Sports

  8. 青少年排球运动员的心理素质训练

    The Psychological Capacity Training of the Youth Volleyball Player

  9. 对冰球运动员心理素质训练的研究

    Studies on Developing Psychological Qualities of the Ice-hockey Players

  10. 影响大学生心理素质训练效果的因素探讨

    Discussion about Several Major Factors Affecting Psychological Quality Training for College Students Course

  11. 通过对防空兵的心理素质训练,其心理健康状况有显著提高。

    The mental quality was improved after training clearly .

  12. 心理素质训练是运动训练的重要环节之一。

    Psychological quality training is one of the important parts of the sports training .

  13. 心理素质训练课的教学设计

    The Teaching Design of Psychological Competence Course

  14. 跳水运动员心理素质训练的方法

    On Methods of Psychology Training for Divers

  15. 初中心理素质训练课教学策略的理论与实践研究

    Instructional Strategy Theory and Practice Research on Middle School Student ' Mental Quality Training Course

  16. 不同心理素质训练方式对军人心理健康与个性的影响

    Effect of different styles of mental quality training on mental health and personality of soldiers

  17. 通过心理素质训练提高大学生思想品德水平的研究

    The Research of Improve the College Students ' Moral Qualities Level Through the Mental Character Train

  18. 目的研究心理素质训练对电子对抗兵人际交往的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of mental quality training on interpersonal communication of electronic countermeasure servicemen .

  19. 目的:探讨心理素质训练对军人应对方式的影响。

    AIM : To explore the effect of mental quality training on the coping style of military personnel .

  20. 从实践中总结出青少年排球运动员心理素质训练的三种方法:(1)对抗性练习;

    From practice the anthor find out three training methods for psychological capacity :( 1 ) dualmeet drill .

  21. 还应加强各专项力量训练,提高心理素质训练水平和落地稳定性;

    We should improve strength 's and mentality training for every events , at the same time strengthen certain landing ;

  22. 目的研究不同心理素质训练方式对军人心理健康和个性的影响,为部队的心理健康教育和素质训练方式提供依据。

    Objective To study the effects of different styles of mental quality training on mental health and personality of soldiers .

  23. 飞行学员心理素质训练是一门综合的学科,有其独特的理论与规律可循。

    The pilot psychological character training is a synthetic subject and it has its own special theory and rule to follow .

  24. 结合教学课、训练课及赛前安排对运动员的心理素质训练进行探讨与研究。

    The article give some advice about the research and study of the athlete 's psychological in teaching and training before the match .

  25. 结果:经过一学期的创业心理素质训练,实验组与控制组学生在心态、自信及心理健康诸方面均呈现显著差异。

    Results : After a school term of training program , there are significant differences between the training group and the control group .

  26. 本量表的编制对各大学开展针对性的心理素质训练与心理健康教育以及心理健康理论研究有重要的理论和实践上的指导和借鉴意义。

    This result gives important effects with academic and practical on how to develop psychological education and psychological quality training for college students .

  27. 结论:创业心理素质训练有助于学生自信心和心理健康水平的提高。

    Conclusion : The training of mental qualities to start a business can improve the students ' self - confidence and mental health .

  28. 以《军人心理素质训练》为教材,对参加过测试的120名官兵进行心理教育干预。

    Then , the psychological education interventions were carried on 120 officers and soldiers who participated in the test through serviceman psychology quality training .

  29. 结论心理素质训练有助于改善新兵心理健康状况和应对方式,可降低军事心理应激水平。

    Conclusions Mental diathesis training contributed to improve the mental status and coping styles of army recruits as well as to alleviate the stress level .

  30. 对新民警的心理素质训练应当以积极心理品质的培养为主,其核心是积极认知图式的构建。

    The positive mental characters should be mainly fostered in the mental quality training ; its core is the construction of the positive perception scheme .