
  • 网络the psychological effect;placebo effect;mental effect
  1. 虽然改善eva比它是否是正值更为重要,但心理效应可能打击企业采取这项制度的积极性。

    Although improvement in EVA matters more than whether it is positive , the psychological effect could diminish any enthusiasm for adoption .

  2. 色彩心理效应与室内设计

    The Psychological Effect Towards Colour and its use in Intreior Designs

  3. 色彩心理效应模型在人性化Web导购系统中的搭建与应用

    Build and Application of Color 's Psychological Effect Model in Humanness Web Guide System

  4. 色彩间接效应(CIE)即色彩通过视觉产生的生理和心理效应。

    Color indirect effect ( CIE ) means the physiological and psychological effects of color resulting from color vision .

  5. 色彩的心理效应和设计中的应用

    The colour 's Psychological Effect and Its Use in Architectural Design

  6. 不同零售业态顾客心理效应探析

    Analysis on Customers ' Psychological Effects Caused by Different Retailing Forms

  7. 老年人参加体育锻炼的心理效应

    Psychology Effect of Elderly People When Taking Part in Physical Exercise

  8. 结果:放射性攻击事件所致心理效应是十分突出的问题。

    Result : Psychological effect in radiological accident was an outstanding problem .

  9. 建筑内外环境与心理效应

    The Inside and Outside Environment of Architecture and Mentality Effect

  10. 方位倾斜效应(obliqueeffect)是人类普遍存在的视觉心理效应。

    The oblique effect is a ubiquitous visual psychological effect .

  11. 论心理效应对后进生的激励与调控效用

    On Psychological Effects for Inspiring with Backward Students and Its Control Effectiveness

  12. 教育者管教言语行为的心理效应研究

    Research on the Psychological Effects of the Teachers ' Discipline Speech Act

  13. 也有一些心理效应随之发生。

    And so there are some psychological effects that happen with this .

  14. 软件调试过程中的心理效应与心理承受能力分析

    An analysis of psychological effect and bearing ability in debugging computer programs

  15. 论色彩的心理效应及其在包装中的应用

    The Psychological Effect of Color and Its Application in Packaging

  16. 情感诉求广告及其心理效应分析

    The Emotional Appeal Advertisement and Its Psychological Effect Analysis

  17. 论校容的心理效应与教育功能

    On the Psychological and Educational Fuction of school Enviroment

  18. 在子宫内暴露于抗惊厥药物的神经心理效应

    Neuropsychological effects of exposure to anticonvulsant medication in utero

  19. 第六部分:心理效应与心理对策。

    Part VI : psychological effects and psychological Countermeasures .

  20. 平面设计中的心理效应与传统文化效应

    Psychological effect and traditional cultural effect in plane design

  21. 这种重要作用主要表现在壁画艺术对环境空间的视觉效应和心理效应两个方面。

    The important effect is mainly shown in visual effect and psychical effect .

  22. 试析学校教学管理过程中的心理效应

    Analysis of Psychological Effect in School Teaching and Administration

  23. 传递性推理心理效应是指在进行传递性推理时各种因素对做出演绎结论的影响。

    MENTAL EFFECTS of transitive inference point out that various factors affect conclusion .

  24. 对网上经营商店的心理效应的分析

    The Analysis on Psychological Effect of Operating Online Shops

  25. 关于复合呼吸机械负荷生理、心理效应的观察与分析

    Observations and analysis of physiological and psychological effects of combined respiratory mechanical loading

  26. 虽然绝对数值的意义不如相对估值大,但它的心理效应不容小觑。

    Absolute numbers matter less than relative valuations , but the psychology counts .

  27. 体育锻炼的消极心理效应及其应对措施

    The negative effects of sports psychology and its countermeasures

  28. 试论建筑色彩的心理效应及其应用

    On psychological function and uses of colour in architecture

  29. 通过实验,研究了客观语言提示的心理效应。

    By experiment , we studied the mental effects of objective lingual cue .

  30. 记者与采访对象的非言语交流及其心理效应

    The Non-verbal Communication between the Journalist and the Interviewee and Its Psychological Effects