
xīn shù
  • intention;design
心术 [xīn shù]
  • (1) [design]

  • (2) 心思

  • 那人心术不正

  • (3) 主意,计策

  • 颇有心术的指挥官

  • 为害大于心术。--清. 刘开《问说》

心术[xīn shù]
  1. 看一个人的心术,要看他的眼神。

    To know one 's intention , look at the expression in his eyes .

  2. 读心术技能如果熟练运用的话,对战斗很有用。

    That read the intention skill and uses skillfully is very useful to the fight .

  3. 我怎么知道他在想什么?我又不会传心术!

    How do I know what he 's thinking ? I 'm not telepathic !

  4. 他是个有心术的人。

    He is a calculating person .

  5. 松胞素B和离心术并用制备体外培养哺乳类细胞的核体与胞质体

    Preparation of karyoplasts and cytoplasts from mammalian cells by means of cytochalasin B and centrifugation

  6. Bushman先生还说:“他们还可以通过传心术与你交谈。”

    Mr Bushman added : " They 're able to usetheir own voice by telepathy to talk to you . "

  7. 我需要你用你的读心术。

    I 'm gonna need you to get inside his head .

  8. 又吃热狗别对我使读心术

    Hot dog ... again ? Don 't read my mind !

  9. 假装自己会读心术,然后告诉他们纸牌的奥秘。

    Pretend to read their mind and tell them their card .

  10. 以下便是真实存在于现实生活中的十种读心术或读梦术。

    Here are10 real-life mind-reading or dream-reading technologies that exist now .

  11. 或也许,你拥有一对翅膀或者会读心术。

    Or maybe you have wings or can read minds .

  12. 他甚至不会读心术,只会在沟通时心有灵犀罢了。

    And even he can 't read minds , only communicate telephathically .

  13. 你是要告诉我们这男孩会读心术?

    You 're trying to tell us this boy can read minds ?

  14. 想对我用什么绝地猜心术吗?

    You gonna use one of your Jedi mind tricks on me ?

  15. 拉涅利说:这是一个读心术问题。

    ' It 's a mind-reading problem , ' says Dr. Ranieri .

  16. 好在她不会读心术

    It 's a good thingshe can 't read minds .

  17. 你能别一直对我用读心术吗

    Could you stop reading my mind for a second ?

  18. 像传心术一样的超自然现象;一个巫师超自然的力量。

    Such paranormal phenomena as telepathy ; a medium 's paranormal powers .

  19. 我猜你要换个新的会读心术特工了。

    I guess you 're going to have to find yourself another telepath .

  20. 你怎么回事啊,会读心术啊?

    What are you , a mind-reader or something ?

  21. 读心术并不是那么好用。

    Trying to read minds usually don 't go so well at all .

  22. 用类似装置对于传心术的试验得到负的结果。

    A test for telepathy with a similar device yielded a negative result .

  23. 你会读心术别担心亲爱的

    You know how to read minds ? Don 't worry , honey .

  24. 哇,好像你会读心术似的!

    It 's like you 're reading my mind !

  25. 这意味着读心术是进化的结果。

    That would mean that mind-reading would have to be the result of evolution .

  26. 对自己想要的东西诚实。你的另一半不会读心术。

    Be honest with what you want . Your partner cannot read your mind .

  27. 爱因斯坦相信传心术和唯灵论吗?

    Does Einstein believe in telepathy and spiritualism ?

  28. 他玩弄心术也巧妙。

    So does he play upon his heart .

  29. 传心术美剧风采你什么意思,你不通过电话买股票?

    What do you mean , you don 't buy stock over the phone ?

  30. 他还令人难以置信地说道,这些来自外太空的生命会读心术。

    He also incredibly alleged that the beingsfrom outer space are telepathic mind readers .