
  • 网络DESSAU
  1. 德国中东部的城市,位于德绍东部的易北河上。

    A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River east of Dessau .

  2. 为了实践自己的理念,格罗庇乌斯与包豪斯第二任校长迈耶在1926~1928年在德绍附近的图登设计并完成了一个住宅小区。

    Walter Gropius and Meier , the second headmaster of Bauhaus , had designed and constructed a dwelling district nearby Dessau from Yr.1926 to Yr.1928 aiming at realizing their ideology .

  3. 德绍-沃尔利茨宫廷花园是18世纪欧洲启蒙运动时期园林设计和规划的典范之作。

    The Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Worlitz is an exceptional example of landscape design and planning of the Age of the Enlightenment , the 18th century .