
  • 网络jacques demy;Mathieu Demy;Jonathan Demme
  1. 雅克·德米的忧郁和梦幻

    Melancholy and Reverie of Jacques Demy

  2. 鉴定的主要化合物包括茄碱,蕃茄素和德米素。

    Major identified compounds include solanine , tomatine , and demissine .

  3. 大卫•德米没有中奖,但他表示,墨尔本比奇有人可能会获得这笔大奖也让他感到很开心。

    Dave Demi didn 't win the Powerball but said he 's happy about the possibility someone from Melbourne Beach may have .

  4. 海报上是俄罗斯总统德米崔‧麦维德夫拿著网球拍,而俄罗斯总理弗拉吉米尔‧普廷则两手空空且面露难色。

    The posters show President Dmitry Medvedev holding a tennis racket , while Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is empty-handed and looking slightly pained .

  5. 据发言人彭萨帕特?彭查罗恩介绍,泰国国家警察局长舍里披素?德米亚威提议将目前的警察制服换成更为轻便的短袖卡其布制服,这样在街头执勤的警察就能凉快得多了。

    Thailand may allow its police officers to cool off by wearing a new short-sleeve uniform , a move they hope will also help save energy at police stations , a spokesman said Saturday .

  6. 一位男子上周一在莫斯科路过一幅俄罗斯总统德米崔‧麦维德夫(右)与总理弗拉吉米尔‧普廷(左)穿网球装的广告海报。

    A man walks past an advertising poster with a picture of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev , right , and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin , left , wearing tennis clothes in Moscow last Monday .