
  1. 成果得到了专家的充分肯定,特别盛赞德育导师制这个很好的创意。

    Results has been fully affirmation , special experts hailed the " moral education system " this very good originality .

  2. 由此介绍了夷陵中学实施德育导师制的具体做法,并从四个方面对实施德育导师制进行了个案分析。

    Thereby the concrete performance of the system is introduced and the individual cases are followed subsequently in four aspects .

  3. 论文的第二部分阐述了目前普通高中实行德育导师制的必要性和可能性。

    The second part of the thesis expounds the present average high school moral education system executes the necessity and possibility .

  4. 近年来,全国都在推行德育导师制。苏州市也在2010年开始,在全市范围内大力推行德育导师制。

    In recent years , moral tutorial system has been carried out all over the country . Since 2010 , it has also been effectively implemented within Suzhou city .

  5. 德育导师制的实施过程中,苏州市侧重教师作为学生德育导师的实践和研究。

    In the process of implementing moral tutorial system , Suzhou city attaches much importance to the practice and research on taking teachers as students ' tutors for mental education .

  6. 构建新型的普通高中德育导师制体系主要包括:首先提出了实施普通高中德育导师制的指导思想、基本原则。

    Establishing a new " ordinary high school moral education system " system mainly includes : the first proposes the implementation of average high school moral education system of guiding ideology , the basic principles .

  7. 针对普通高中德育管理存在的现状,提出了一种行之有效的德育方式&高中德育导师制。

    For ordinary high school moral education in the management of situation , this paper proposes an effective way of moral education of high school moral education system .