
  • 网络German cuisine;Deutsche Kuche
  1. 然后在当地酒吧里,和着一杯啤酒,细细品尝德国美食。

    Then savor the flavor at a local beer hall with a stein of your favorite frothy drink .

  2. 餐厅内共有26个吧台坐席,绕着一间格调高雅的开放式厨房排成一圈,餐厅的工作人员就在这间厨房里,为客人准备一客共含10道菜的北欧风味新式德国美食(80欧元)。

    Diners fill 26 counter seats that wrap around an elegant open kitchen , where the staff prepares a prix fixe 10-course meal of Nordic-inflected new-German cuisine ( 80 euros ) .

  3. 评价标准由法国美食美酒史学家和地理学家让-罗伯特·皮特(Jean-RobertPitte)和德国美食记者约尔格·泽普里克(Zipprick)等专家制订,包括食物品质、餐厅氛围、酒水单和服务。

    A committee of experts , among them Jean-Robert Pitte , a French food and wine historian and geographer , and the German food journalist Zipprick , defined the criteria , including the quality of food , ambience , wine and spirits lists and service .

  4. 求学在意大利,穿衣在德国,美食在波兰。

    Learn in Italy ; clothe yourself in Germany ; banquet in Poland .