
  • 网络microscopic theory;micro theory;micro-level theories;micro-micro theory
  1. GaAs(001)表面岛状结构自发形成的动态过程是研究薄膜生长机制微观理论一个重要的研究方向。

    The spontaneous island formation process on the GaAs ( 001 ) surface is an important research aspect of film-growth mechanism and microscopic theory .

  2. 本文系统评述无公度结构相变的Landau理论和微观理论,概要评述无公度相变的实验方法。

    This paper systematically reviews the Landau theory and microscopic theory of incommensurate phase transitions and gives an outline of the methods of experimental researches on them .

  3. 超导涨落是超导体在超导转变温度Tc附近发生的热力学涨落现象。通过涨落分析不仅可以获得重要的超导信息还可以促进实验技术和新的微观理论的发展。

    The superconducting fluctuation analysis is refer to the thermodynamic behavior near superconducting phase transitions , from which the important information about superconducting can be obtained .

  4. 同时研究了硬脂酸镧和硬脂酸钕与其它热稳定剂的协同效应,采用FT-IR对硬脂酸稀土的热稳定机理进行推测,并从微观理论上解释了稀土热稳定剂独特的热稳定机理及协同效应。

    At the same time the mechanisms of stabilization of thermally degraded PVC in presence of rare-earth stearate were proposed by FT-IR , the particular mechanism and the well-defined synergistic action of rare-earth stabilizers were explained by the microcosmic theory .

  5. 后来出现了等离子体的一些基于自由电子模型的IFE微观理论,IFE被认为是电子在圆偏振光驱动下作圆周运动而产生磁矩的结果。

    Some microscopic theories were developed in plasmas , based on the model of free electrons . The IFE was considered to be resulted from the magnetic moments of circularly moving electrons driven by the circularly polarized light beam .

  6. 固液界面接触角的微观理论

    A microscopic theory of the contact angle of a liquid-solid interface

  7. 超导桥约瑟夫森效应的微观理论

    A microscopic theory of the Josephson effect in superconducting bridges

  8. 拖动条件下气体分子动力学的微观理论

    Microscopic theory of gas molecular dynamics under the drag conditions

  9. 固着磨料加工碳化硅反射镜的微观理论模型

    Micro theoretical model for grinding SiC mirror with fixed abrasive

  10. 这些理论被称为对外直接投资的微观理论。

    All these theories are called micro theory of FDI .

  11. 首先把量子理论引入液晶微观理论中。

    Firstly , quantum theory is introduced to liquid crystal microcosmic theory .

  12. 循环经济的微观理论基础&生态效用论及人类选择理性

    The micro-basis of circular economy theory : Ecological utility and rational choice

  13. 理想繁流放电微观理论

    The microscopic theory of an ideal electron avalanche discharge

  14. 深床过滤的微观理论模型

    Theoretical Approach for Micro-process of Deep Bed Filtration

  15. 此项研究为闭塞冷锻适用化工艺研究奠定了微观理论基础。

    The study would lay a microstructure foundation for the research of practical technology .

  16. 正统经济学微观理论基础的解构

    The Deconstruction of the Foundation of Orthodox Microeconomics

  17. 核子形状因子的微观理论探讨与分析

    The Microscopic Investigation of Nuclear Form Factors

  18. 共价晶体硬度的微观理论

    Microscopic theory of hardness of covalent crystals

  19. 以及直接论述贸易摩擦的理论,这可以分为贸易摩擦的微观理论和贸易摩擦的宏观理论。

    Direct trade friction theory , which may be divided into microscopic and macroscopic theory .

  20. 远程教育的微观理论

    Microcosmic theories of distance education

  21. 马氏体相变的微观理论&LASER模型Ⅰ.基本概念和简单统计模型

    Laser model & a microscopic theory of martensitic transformation I. some basic concepts and a simple statistic model

  22. 首次应用先驱膜这一概念对钎料铺展作了微观理论解释。

    By applying precursory film , I had firstly found the reason from micro-thought theory-interpretation that brazing alloy spread .

  23. 微观理论引介全面,但实际研究的范围尚需拓展,研究内容需要丰富。

    Microscopic theories have been comprehensively introduced , but the scope of investigation needs to be enlarged and the contents enriched .

  24. 正统经济学的微观理论范式隐含了三个基础性假设:偏好的内涵不变性、偏好的外延无关性和经济资源的完全可替代性。

    There are three assumptions hidden in the orthodox microeconomics : the connotation invariance , extension independence , perfect substitutability of preference .

  25. 指出将基于微观理论的结构性模型用于模拟加筋土体,特别是筋&土接触面,是一个新的研究方向。

    A new research aspect in which use microstructure model to simulate reinforced soil , especially interface between reinforcement and soil are advanced .

  26. 微观理论模型是以发动机台架试验数据为基础,以功率平衡原理建立的,模型的可靠性较高,结合油耗试验,对模型进行了标定。

    The micro-theoretical model is constructed according to engine experimental data with the use of power equilibrium theory , and has high precision .

  27. 这种文化转向不同于主流社会学的宏观或微观理论,而是强调文化的自主性。

    This " cultural turn " is different from the mainstream of sociological macro-or micro-theory , in which the autonomy of culture is emphasized .

  28. 在西方经济学微观理论认为,在市场经济中经济活动的主体主要有三个:企业(厂商)、消费者、政府。

    It is assumed in micro economics that there are three participants in market economy . They are businesses , consumers and the government .

  29. 第二部分阐述了女性主义的相关概念和理论,并对女性主义理论中的宏观理论及微观理论作了重点介绍。

    The second part elaborated the related concept and the theory of feminism , and feminist theory in macroeconomic theory and microcosmic theory is introduced .

  30. 分子间相互作用势与胆甾相微观理论中所采用的作用势相同。

    The form of the interaction potential between molecules is assumed to be the same with which is used in the theory of cholesteric phase .