
  • 网络microbial nutrition
  1. 土壤有机质是土壤微生物营养和能量的主要来源,同时土壤微生物活性受土壤养分有效性限制,因此,土壤微生物活性常被作为土壤肥力质量的灵敏指标。

    Soil organic matter is an important source for microbial nutrition and energy . The microbial activity is also limited by soil nutrition availability . Therefore , the activity of soil microorganisms is an indicator for soil quality .

  2. 根据试验结果,从微生物营养的角度对电极-生物膜前置和后置条件下的反硝化反应过程进行了详细分析和比较。

    With the experimental results , the denitrification reaction in electrode-biofilm device was accounted and analyzed in detail under different technological conditions from the angle of microbe nutrition .

  3. 超高静压对普通微生物营养体有较好的杀灭效果,但超高静压对细菌芽孢杀灭效应有待于进一步研究。

    High hydrostatic pressure processing can effectively inactivate vegetative bacteria ; however , the knowledge about inactivation on bacterial spores by the high hydrostatic pressure is still limited .

  4. 然后利用一株耐盐的细菌对化学预处理后的废水进行生物处理,将废水中有机污染物和无机微生物营养物转化为稳定、无害的物质。

    Then use a salt-tolerant bacterium on the chemical pretreatment of wastewater after biological treatment of organic pollutants in wastewater and inorganic nutrients into microbial stability , harmless substances .

  5. 本文综述了切割蔬菜的意义及其加工过程中生理、微生物营养方面的变化并探讨了改善切割蔬菜品质的措施。

    This paper reviews its significance and its physiological , microbial and nutritional changes induced by these physical actions . Measures for improving qualities of minimally processed vegetables are also discussed .

  6. 瘤胃微生物肽营养研究进展

    Recent development of peptide nutrition of rumen microorganisms

  7. (细菌学)一种用来培养微生物的营养物质(固体或液体)。

    ( bacteriology ) a nutrient substance ( solid or liquid ) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms .

  8. 此外,在哺乳动物中,肠道微生物在营养物质的摄取、上皮细胞的生长发育、免疫方面起着重要作用。

    Additionally , intestinal microorganisms play an important role in immunity , nutrient intake as well as epithelial cell growth .

  9. 工业循环水系统在水质处理过程中有机物与无机物的浓度逐渐升高,绝大部分有机物是可生物降解的,是微生物的营养源。

    In the process of treating industrial circulating water , the concentration of organic and inorganic compounds are getting higher gradually .

  10. 污泥中含有大量的微生物及营养成分,对不同的作物及植物有增产和改善品质的作用。

    There are abundant microorganism and nutrition in sludge which can contribute to the increase in yields and improve crop qualities .

  11. 最简单的发酵过程可以只是把微生物与营养培养基混合,使其中的组分发生反应。

    In its simplest form fermentation processes can be just the mixing of microorganisms with a nutrient broth and allowing the components to react .

  12. 阐述了饲料工业中应用低聚糖的背景、低聚糖的生理功能、不同种类低聚糖对肠道微生物的营养及低聚糖在饲料中的实际应用效果。

    The use of oligosaccharides in feed , including the using background , the physiological functions of oligosaccharides and their nutrition to intestinal microorganisms was stated .

  13. 冬季森林雪下土壤上可以保持0摄氏度左右几个月,初期微生物对营养物质进行储存、分解,在雪化时就大量的向植物输送养料。

    Forest soil can keep 0 ℃ under snow for several months in winter , beginning microbial break up nutrition for storage at this time then supply a large number of nourishment for plants at spring .

  14. 因此,在实际修复工程中,在15-20天左右时,为微生物补充营养物质,使其具充足营养发挥高效降解性能。

    Therefore , in the actual restoration project , when it lasted for 15-20 days , to provide a micro-nutrient for bacterias . So that , with adequate nutrition , micro-organisms will play a high degradation .

  15. 我们得到了一种微生物和营养液共存的周期解,同时,也得到两种微生物都绝灭的周期解,而且建立了周期解稳定的充分条件。

    We obtain the exact periodic solutions with positive concentrations of substrate and one of the microorganisms , and meanwhile we obtain also the two microorganisms extinction periodic solution , further , we establish sufficient conditions for the periodic solution is stable .

  16. 但经数百万年的演化,瘤胃真菌和瘤胃细菌能共存于同一系统中,这不仅与瘤胃的生理特点有关,还与瘤胃真菌的底物利用特性及与其它微生物的营养互作有关。

    However , these two type of microorganisms existed in the same ecosystem after millions years of evolving . It may attribute to the rumen physiology , also attribute to substrates utilizing character of rumen fungi and its interactions with other rumen microorganisms .

  17. 讨论了引起切割水果蔬菜质量变化的原因,对其加工贮存过程中的生理生化、微生物及营养变化作了叙述。

    The object of this article is to analyze the reason which causes the change of quality of minimally processed fruits and vegetables , and to describe the measures to be taken to control quality and prolong the shelf life of minimally processed fruits and vegetables .

  18. 土壤微生物在土壤营养元素(N、P等)转化中起着重要作用。

    Soil microorganisms play an important role in the transformation of soil organic matter and soil nutrients ( such as N , P , S , ect . ) .

  19. 但是在水力停留时间(HRT)不变的情况下,随着污泥浓度的升高,活性污泥能含量(F/M)下降,部分微生物会处于营养相对贫乏的环境。

    However , if the hydraulic retention time ( HRT ) remains unchanged , the index of F / M of the activated sludge will decrease with the increasing of sludge concentration , and some microbes will grow in the oligotrophic condition .

  20. 生香微生物功能性营养液的研究及其应用同色异谱现象及其解决方案

    Research and Application of Functional Nutrient Solution for Fragrance Producing Microbial

  21. 石油烃微生物降解的营养平衡及降解机理

    Nutrient Balance and Mechanism of Biological Degradation of Oil

  22. 微生物在富营养化水体生物修复中的作用

    Function of microorganism in bioremediation of eutrophic water

  23. 微生物采油用营养物质在石英砂上的静态和动态吸附规律

    Static and dynamic absorption of nourishment used in microbial enhanced oil recovery on quartzite sand

  24. 肠道微生物在人体营养物质的摄取、免疫以及药物代谢等方面起非常重要的作用。

    The microorganisms in human gut play an important role in gaining of nutrients , immunology and metabolism of drugs .

  25. 微生物饲料不仅营养价值高,而且能显著提高动物免疫能力和生理调节能力。

    The nutrition value of microbial feed is high , it can improve animal immunity and the ability of physiological regulating .

  26. 海洋环境中难培养微生物的寡营养培养培养在特殊制备的营养培养基中培养(微生物或其它生物)

    Culture Methods of the Oligotrophic Marine Microbes To grow ( microorganisms or other living matter ) in a specially prepared nutrient medium .

  27. 除了传统上认为的自养硝化细菌以外,近几十年来已发现很多异养微生物和甲烷营养细菌可以进行硝化作用。

    Besides the well known autotrophic nitrifiers belonging to the Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter groups , there are some heterotrophic microorganisms and methanotrophic bacteria that are able to do the job .

  28. 鲜醋糟中含有相当数量的粗淀粉、粗蛋白、还原糖、纤维素等可供微生物生长的营养物质。

    In the fresh vinegar residue contains to a certain degree amounts of the coarse amyloplasts coarse protein reducing sugar cellulose and so on , which afford nutrient for growing of the microorganisms .

  29. 综述了当前主要的豆制品、米制品、蔬菜制品等传统发酵食品在其生产工艺、微生物分布、营养生理功能等方面存在的安全隐患及需要解决的实际问题;

    This paper summarized hidden security troubles and practical problems demanded settle about bean product , rice product and vegetable product , these problems mainly occurred in their production , microbes distributing and nutritional function .

  30. 以预处理钻井废水考察了生物好氧氧化的可行性,结合SBR活性污泥法处理工艺,考察了微生物浓度、微生物营养物质、曝气时间对处理效果的影响,优化了生物氧化工艺条件。

    The biodegradation feasibility has been proved with pretreating drilling wastewater , and then , combined with the SBR activated sludge process , further study investigated affections of concentration of activated sludge , biological nutrient and aeration time , got The optimum conditions of biological oxidation process .