
  • 网络Okonomiyaki
  1. 御好烧是来自广岛的一种好吃的薄饼(也可称为“日本比萨”),它是由面糊、蔬菜、海藻、肉、类似伍斯特沙司的甜酱和日本蛋黄酱做成的。

    Okonomiyaki , a savory pancake ( or Japanese pizza ) from Hiroshima , is made with batter , vegetables , seaweed , meat , a sweet sauce resembling Worcestershire9 , and Japanese mayonnaise .

  2. “关西风”御好烧预先将原料和面糊混合,而“广岛风”御好烧则是将面糊摊成薄饼后再将卷心菜、肉、炒面和鸡蛋等原料层层叠加制成。

    The former mixes the fillings with the batter , while the latter spreads the batter in a crepe-like fashion and then layers it with cabbage , meat , fried noodles , egg or other fillings .