
cǎi lǐ
  • bride-price;dowry;betrothal gifts
彩礼 [cǎi lǐ]
  • [betrothal gifts;bride-price] 见财礼

彩礼[cǎi lǐ]
  1. 然而,彩礼并不是婚姻法研究的热点,可是在现实生活中又不可避免。

    However , disputes on betrothal gifts is not a central issue of conjugal laws , but is inevitable in real life .

  2. 但是彩礼返还规则并未完整建立,在实践中仍存有大量问题。

    But the rules of return the betrothal gifts have not established completely , there are still a lot of problems in practice .

  3. 这个名为Kakule的犯人说,他有罪只是因为结婚太早,并且买不起彩礼。

    This prisoner named Kakule says he is guilty only of marrying young and not being able to pay a dowry .

  4. 金钱彩礼不能带来爱情的春天。

    Money bride price can not bring love in the spring .

  5. 女人间的攀比,是彩礼价位不断上升的原因之一。

    Comparisons between women is one cause of spiraling bride prices .

  6. “新娘彩礼”是非洲为迎娶新娘而支付报酬的一种风俗。

    Lobola is the African custom of paying for a bride .

  7. 彩礼返还之规定的社会性别分析

    Analysis on the Gender in the Regulation of Return of Bride-price

  8. “新娘彩礼”的传统实际上是一个尊严的问题。

    The tradition of lobola was a matter of pride .

  9. 送彩礼也占了结婚资金的一大块。

    Gift-giving also takes a hefty chunk of the cash .

  10. 彩礼制度在我国由来已久。

    The bride-price system has a long history in China .

  11. 陇东农村彩礼研究

    A Study on Bride Price in Rural Areas of East Gansu Province

  12. 彩礼的返还无论是对于个人利益还是社会和谐具有积极的意义。

    It is positive significance for the personal interests and social interests .

  13. 还有一些地方,专业的红娘也在彩礼上涨中也起了一定作用。

    In some regions , professional match-makers play a role in growing prices .

  14. 今天,他们认为“新娘彩礼”这个习俗已经成了毫无意义的传统。

    Today , they think that lobola has changed into a useless tradition .

  15. “新娘彩礼”是一种表达谢意的方式。

    Lobola is a way to show thanks .

  16. 因此,有必要对彩礼的法律属性做进一步分析,确定其赠予合同的性质。

    Thus , it is necessary to analyze the legal nature of presentation contract .

  17. 这样,彩礼就在不断上涨。

    Thus the average price is raised .

  18. 精-捆绑的精子和蛋白质材料提交给女性昆虫作为彩礼。

    Spermatophore-A bundle of sperm and proteinaceous material presented to female insect as a nuptial gift .

  19. 传统婚礼彩礼单

    Traditional Chinese Wadding Grand Gift List

  20. 直到现在,部分地区未婚男女在缔结婚姻之前仍要给付彩礼。

    Until now , in some areas unmarried men and women need to give betrothal gift before marriage .

  21. 第二部分彩礼给付的经济原因与社会作用,在本部分,笔者对彩礼给付的经济原因和社会作用进行分析。

    In this section , the author analyzes the bride price payment for economic reasons and social role .

  22. 注,李后来发现一个表弟合,新娘的法律的拒绝支付彩礼。

    Note , Lee later discovered that a cousin-in-law of the Bride 's refused to pay the Bride Price .

  23. 随着经济的发展,物质生活的丰富,彩礼的数额和形式在不断的发展变化。

    With the development of economy and material life , the amount and form of bride price is changing .

  24. 第三部分:彩礼返还的必要性以及请求权基础。

    The third part is the necessity of return and the foundation of the return of the bride price .

  25. 彩礼是我国传统的民间风俗,历经了长久的历史演变。

    Betrothal gift is a traditional folk customs of our country , which experienced a long history of evolution .

  26. 彩礼是农村文化的重要组成部分,是农村生活中不可缺少的家庭事件。

    The bride price is an important part of rural culture , which is indispensable family events of rural life .

  27. 关于彩礼返还的问题一直是司法实践中比较棘手的问题。

    The issue of the bride price return has been one of the most difficult issues in the judicial practice .

  28. 当地警方已介入进行调解。双方已将婚礼前送抵的彩礼退还。

    Local police said they mediated between the families , and both sides returned all the gifts given before the wedding .

  29. 为了彩礼,李现在欠了2万澳元,因为他仍然需要还清了婚礼。

    Lee is now in debt to the tune of $ 20,000 , as he is still paying off the wedding .

  30. 李向我解释说,一般来说,新娘的父母都希望给回彩礼一些。

    Lee explained to me that generally , the Bride 's parents are expected to give back some of the Bride Price .