
  • 网络Coercive power
  1. 民办幼儿园园长园本课程领导权力具体指奖赏权、专家权、参照权、法职权、强制权、道德权六种权力。

    The power of private kindergarten the principal kindergarten-based curriculum leadership refers to reward power , expert power , referent power , authority power , coercive power , moral power of six powers .

  2. 行政强制作为国家强制权的重要组成部分,历来是各国学者研究的重点。

    Administrative Enforcement , as the important part of national coercive power , has always been the focus of the scholar study from various countries .

  3. 但最重要的一点是,只有政府拥有强制权。

    But the most crucial is that government alone has the power to coerce .

  4. 随着国家行政权的膨胀,行政机关拥有的行政强制权范围也在扩大,有效地监控行政强制权的运行,已经成为现实的课题。

    With the expansion of administrative authority , the administrative organ possesses greater administrative mandatory control .

  5. 具体如下:一、一个国家对于行政强制权的认识,直接影响到该国行政强制执行模式的选择与制定。

    Firstly , the understanding of administrative compelling executive power directly affects selection and establishment of the models .

  6. 城管行政强制权研究&兼对《行政强制法》的立法建议

    Study on the Administrative Enforcement Power Exercised by City Administrative Departments & Proposals for the Draft Administrative Enforcement Law

  7. 就国内的现状,过去和现在最不受约束的就是行政强制权的滥用。

    The abuse of the power of administrative compulsory is not be controlled either now or past in our country .

  8. 概括而言,我国行政强制权具有行政性、强制性和应受监督性三方面属性。

    In short , there are three attributes in the administrative enforcement power in our country : administrative ﹑ enforceable and supervisory .

  9. 对城管应不应当具有行政强制权、行使的行政强制权合不合法等问题,实践中存在不同看法。

    There has long been controversy over the theoretical grounds and legal basis of the administrative enforcement power exercised by city management departments .

  10. 政府规制是指政府利用国家强制权依法对微观经济主体进行的直接经济、社会控制或干预。

    The government regulations refer that the government uses the national compulsory power to control or intervene microeconomic subject directly with economic or social approach .

  11. 行政强制权是行政权,我国行政强制执行不应采用混合执行模式,行政强制执行权应回归行政主体。

    The power of administrative coercion is an administrative power , which should return to the administrative main body instead of adopting a mixed mode of administrative enforcement .

  12. 一般而言,「权力的基础」,计有「专家权」、「参考权」、「强制权」、「合法权」、「奖赏权」、「资讯权」、及「派系权」等。

    In general , the bases of power include the following items : expert power , referent power , legitimate power , coercive power , reward power , information power , and connection power .

  13. 权力性影响力的基础包括法定权、强制权和奖赏权,其主要受到的影响因素有传统观念、职位、资历;

    The authority influence foundation includes the legal power , the force power and the reward power . And it 's main influence factors are the traditional ideas , the position and the qualification .

  14. 为了解决人民银行履行金融监管职责与依法处罚的矛盾,应当赋予人民银行有查询、冻结出票人存款的行政强制权,由此,矛盾可以迎刃而解。

    To settle the contradiction between the supervisory responsibility and the legal punishment , the government should entitle the people 's bank of China with forcible power to investigate and freeze the bank account of Rubber Check issuers .

  15. 金融监管机构行政强制权作为行政强制权在金融监管领域的适用,其目的是保障国家金融市场的安全运行,保障金融参与者的合法权益。

    As administrative compulsive power , financial regulators administrative compulsive power is suited in financial supervision areas , its purpose is ensuring the safe operation of the state financial market and safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of the financial participants .

  16. 司法审查原则已经成为一项国际诉讼准则,即法院充分发挥司法权的能动作用,对国家强制权实施的合法性进行审查,以保障个人合法权益免受国家强制权的非法侵害。

    Judicial review principle has become an international procedure principle , namely the court make the national peremptory power perform the active role , to check the legality of it , to protect the individual legal right avoiding the illegal invasion of national peremptory power .

  17. 其次研究了美、英、德三国的金融监管机构行政强制权在法律设定、权力运行和权力控制方面的情况并获得金融监管机构行政强制权要与国情相适用的启示。

    Secondly , we researched the counterparts in the legal setting , running authority and power control aspects of the administrative compulsive power of USA , British and German , and obtained a enlightenment which is " the financial regulator should suit with the national administrative compulsive power " .

  18. WTO争端解决机构(DSB)的强制管辖权与国家主权原则关系

    The Relationship between Compulsory Jurisdiction of the DSB and Doctrine of State Sovereignty

  19. WTO争端解决机制具有高效、安全可靠的特点,其争端解决机构对成员国之间发生的与贸易有关的争端具有排他性的强制管辖权;

    The WTO dispute-settlement mechanism is characterized by its effective and secure nature . The WTO dispute-settlement body has exclusive jurisdiction over any trade-related disputes .

  20. WTO争端解决机制的司法功能在强制管辖权、专家组程序、上诉程序、执行等方面得到了增强。

    The judicial function of WTO dispute settlement mechanism has been enhanced in many fields such as compulsive jurisdiction , procedure of group experts , appeal procedure and executive procedure .

  21. 强制管辖权是WTO争端解决机制的一个重要特点,它有助于国际贸易争端的迅速解决,也是国际司法实践的重大突破。

    As an important characteristics of dispute settlement system of WTO , compulsory jurisdiction is helpful to quickly solve disputes in the international trade and is a breakthrough in international judicial practice .

  22. DSB的强制管辖权仍然是以尊重国家主权为基础的,可以说是国家主权平等原则的体现。

    The compulsory jurisdiction of the DSB is on the basis of the respection for state sovereignty and embodies the equality of state sovereignty .

  23. DSB的强制管辖权与国家主权原则表面上似乎是相矛盾的,但实质上两者是一种并行不悖的关系,是在全球化背景下,国家对主权的自我限制或让渡。

    The compulsory jurisdiction of the DSB is seemingly contradictory to the Doctrine of State Sovereignty , but substantially the two are compatible . It shows the state self-restricts or transfers its sovereignty on the background of globalization .

  24. 行政强制设定权的原则与规则

    The Principles and Rules of the Power to Create Administrative Enforcement

  25. 浅论民事强制执行权的分权运作

    On the civil forcible execution power being divided to carry on

  26. 对行政强制执行权归属的再思考

    On Whom the Power of Administrative Enforcement Shall Belong to

  27. 第四章为域外行政强制执行权比较研究。

    Chapter four researches the extraterritorial power of administrative enforcement system comparatively .

  28. 论审判机关的强制措施权

    On the Power of Coercive Measure of the Judicial Organs

  29. 浅谈我国行政强制执行权的分配

    Superficial Debate on Distribution of Administrative Imperative Executive Power in Our Country

  30. 第二章为行政强制执行权概述。

    Chapter two is an overview of the power of administrative enforcement .