
  1. 张鹏猜测这笔钱应该是付错了。

    Zhang Peng guessed that the payment was a mistake .

  2. 张鹏是一位住在西安的中国司机。

    Zhang Peng is a Chinese driver in Xi'an .

  3. 更让她惊讶的是,张鹏拒绝了奖励,并将多余的钱全部退还给她。

    She was even more surprised when Zhang Peng refused to get a reward and returned her all her extra money .

  4. 实在无法打电话联系上四位外国旅客的张鹏直接前往了送他们去的酒店。

    When he failed to call the four foreign passengers , Zhang Peng directly went to the hotel again where he had dropped them off .

  5. 张鹏戴着古驰(Gucci)手表、肚腩日益隆起,因此需要运动装备来帮自己减掉多余体重,但同时也是为了向朋友们炫耀。

    With his Gucci watch and rapidly expanding paunch , Mr Zhang needs gear to help him work off the extra weight - but also to show off to his friends .

  6. 张鹏在哪里?他在教室里。

    Where is Zhang Peng ? He is in the classroom .

  7. 他名字叫张鹏。看,这是他的照片。

    His name is ZhangPeng . Look , this is his photo .

  8. 张鹏:我家在邮局附近。

    Zhang : My home is near the post office .

  9. 张鹏坐在约翰的右边。

    Zhang Peng sits on John 's right .

  10. 尊敬的先生:我是公司的新进员工张鹏。

    Dear Sir , This is Zhang Peng , a new staff member of the company .

  11. 张鹏:我通常乘公共汽车去上学。因为它很快。

    Zhang Peng : Usually I go to school by bus , because it 's fast .

  12. 主人公张鹏是一个现代的花花公子,他头部受伤,醒来却发现自己的灵魂穿越到了古代。

    The story revolves around Zhang Peng , a modern-day womanizer who hits his head and wakes up to find that his soul has been transported back in time .

  13. 据悉,该剧每集时长仅为20分钟,最吸引观众的是主角张鹏的跨性别。

    Each episode of this online drama is only about 20 minutes long . The biggest draw for audiences seems to be the transgender nature of the main character Zhang Peng .

  14. 这家德国运动服装品牌正寄希望于张鹏这样的顾客以及延安这样的城市来实现增长。目前在欧洲,阿迪达斯已很难实现这样的增长,在中国一线城市也是如此,因为这些城市充斥着各种国外品牌、日渐饱和。

    The German sportswear brand is banking on shoppers like him - and cities such as Yan'an - to deliver the growth that is so elusive in Europe and in first-tier Chinese cities that are becoming saturated with foreign brands .