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  • 网络Zhang Yin;Yan Cheung;Yennis
  1. 在创办企业的同时,张茵也建立了家庭。

    As Ms Zhang built a business , she also built a family .

  2. 谈到她的成功,张茵说这与运气有很大关系。

    Explaining her success , Zhang said it had a lot to do with luck .

  3. 还有纸业女王张茵,她于2006年位居中国百富榜榜首。

    Then there is paper queen Zhang Yin , who topped China 's rich list in 2006 .

  4. 如果全部加在一起,张茵的家族将成为今年福布斯榜的首富。

    If their holdings were added together , the family would be No. 1 on the Forbes list .

  5. 1985年,张茵只身去了香港,用3万元开始从事废纸买卖。

    She went to Hong Kong in 1985 and started her career in waste paper trading with 30,000 yuan .

  6. 第二位是玖龙纸业的张茵,这家纸品回收公司也于最近上市。

    In second place was Zhang Yin of Nine Dragons Paper , the recycling company which also listed recently .

  7. 范鲁贤说,《福布斯》在计较张茵的资产总额时,未将她丈妇战弟弟在玖龙纸业的资产算在内。

    Flannery said Forbes calculated Zhang 's wealth separately from the stakes that her husband and brother own in Nine Dragons .

  8. 1995年张茵和丈夫一起创办的玖龙纸业,现如今已成为了世界上最大的废纸回收企业之一。

    Nine Dragons Paper , which she founded with her husband in 1995 , is now one of the world 's largest paper recyclers .

  9. 张茵一直被认为是世界上最富有的白手起家女性。但是,由于她低调的形象,在过去的岁月里她并不为大众所熟知。

    Zhang is believed to be the wealthiest self-made woman in the world . However , her low profile has helped her remain largely unknown over the past years .

  10. 在80年代初期,张茵在一家造纸厂做杂工。在此期间她注意到工人们随便丢弃的废纸实际上还有利用价值的。

    In the early 1980s , as a dogsbody in a paper mill , she noted that the waste paper her superiors so casually discarded was actually worth something .

  11. 张茵出生在广东贫困城市韶关的一个军人家庭,于1985年来到当时仍为英殖民地的香港,在一家中外合资贸易公司担任会计。

    Born into a military family in Shaoguan , a poor city inGuangdong province , Ms Zhang came to the then colony in1985 as an accountant with a Sino-foreign trading joint venture .

  12. 于上月11日问鼎“胡润百富榜”的中国女首富、“废纸大王”张茵以15亿美元的个人资产名列福布斯榜第五,她创建的玖龙纸业是目前国内最大的包装纸生产商。

    The richest woman was No.5 Zhang Yin , who built a paper-recycling business into Nine Dragons Paper Co. , China 's biggest maker of paperboard for packaging , at $ 1.5 billion .

  13. 这位贸易商称,张茵成功的秘诀之一就是美国中南公司庞大的业务规模,这使他们在谈判运费时拥有了优势。

    According to the trader , one of the secrets of Ms Zhang 's success was the sheer scale of America Chung Nam 's activities , which gave it leverage when negotiating shipping rates .

  14. 去年的(胡润榜)首富、玖龙纸业的创建者张茵从第五位跌至今年的第11位,她的个人净资产增长了1。

    Last year 's richest woman , Zhang Yin , founder of Nine Dragons Paper Co , fell from No5 to No11 on this year 's list , though her net worth grew by125 percent to $ 3.4 billion .

  15. 对于董姐和张茵这样的先锋来说,这一切也许显得婆婆妈妈。董姐说她20年没有过过一次节日;

    All this might sound a bit namby-pamby to pioneers like Sister Dong ( who says that she hasn 't had a holiday for20 years ) and Zhang Yin ( who boasts that : " My success came from my character ") .

  16. 对于董姐和张茵这样的先锋来说,这一切也许显得婆婆妈妈。董姐说她20年没有过过一次节日;张茵则自豪地说:“我的成功源于我的性格。”但这些“婆婆妈妈”却是进步的标志。

    All this might sound a bit namby-pamby to pioneers like Sister Dong ( who says that she hasn 't had a holiday for 20 years ) and Zhang Yin ( who boasts that : " My success came from my character " ) .

  17. 之后的5年里,张茵顶着财政困难、商业伙伴的欺骗和当地黑手党的恐吓,积累了自己的财富。1990年2月,她与丈夫一起搬到美国,以追求废纸女皇的梦想。

    Zhang defied financial hardships , cheating business partners and intimidation from local mafia to build up her wealth in the subsequent five years before moving to the United States with her husband in February 1990 to pursue her dream of becoming the " empress of waste paper " .