
  • 网络tensor analysis
  1. 用张量分析理论,推导出了正交螺旋曲线坐标系下N-S方程。

    The Navier-Strokes equation has been educed with tensor analysis theory in helical curved coordinate system .

  2. 本文利用张量分析给出了常系数线性常微分方程组和n阶常系数线性常微分方程初值问题一般解的显式表示,包括特征根有重根时的情况。

    In this paper by using tensor analysis we give the explicit expressions of the solution of the initial-value problem of homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients and the nth-order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficients .

  3. 利用基于带有物理基的非笛卡儿张量分析的广义矩阵法,在非正交的螺旋线坐标系中,推导出了连续性方程和Navier-Stokes方程组。

    Using the generalized matrix method based on non Cartesian tensor analysis with physical base , the continuity equation and Navier Stokes equations in nonorthogonal helical coordinate system are derived .

  4. 基于张量分析,本文在任意曲线坐标系中导出了用原始变量表达的Navier-Stokes(以下简称N-S)方程组弱守恒型通用形式,其中速度采用了逆变或协变分量;

    A general weak conservative form of Navier-Stokes equations expressed with respect to non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates and with primitive variables was obtained by using tensor analysis technique , where the contravariant and covariant velocity components were employed .

  5. 运用张量分析方法把轴对称系统中的空间频率域的柯林斯公式推广到一般的非轴对称光学系统,并推导了在空间频率域中适用于非轴对称光学系统的张量ABCD定律。

    The Collins formula in spatial frequency domain is generalized into axially nonsymmetrical optical system in terms of tensor analysis method . Based on this formula , the tensor ABCD law in spatial frequency domain is derived .

  6. 张量分析在数学物理学中占据重要地位。

    Tensor analysis plays an important role in math and physics .

  7. 对偶基矢量组在张量分析中的作用与意义

    On the function and significance of dual bases in tensor analysis

  8. 渤海断陷盆地拉张量分析与油气潜力

    Extension analysis on the Bohai faulted basin and its hydrocarbon potentiality

  9. 岩体结构面网格渗透张量分析方法

    Tensor Analysis of Seepage Flow from Structural Plane Network of Rock Mass

  10. 用张量分析进行薄壳混杂模型三角形单元的构式

    Formulation of Hybrid Model Triangular Element of Thin Shells by Tensor Analysis

  11. 曲线坐标系下电子运动的张量分析

    Tensor Analysis of Electron Motion in Curvilinear Coordinate Systems

  12. 用非笛卡儿张量分析螺旋状矩形管的流动特性

    The effect of curvature and torsion on flow characteristics in helical square pipes

  13. 岩体节理三维网络模拟技术及渗透率张量分析

    3D network simulation technique of joints in rock mass and permeability tensor analysis

  14. 确定三维运动参数的张量分析方法

    A tensor analysis method for estimating 3-D motion parameters

  15. 张量分析中简化记法在公式推导中的应用及张量分量的计算

    Application of laconic notations in formula derivation and calculation of components in tensor analysis

  16. 含氧的纸张有助於避免褪色。高等流体力学(含张量分析)

    Sheets of oxygenic paper aid in maintaining color . Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics ?

  17. 正是非欧几何和抽象代数的出现,使得张量分析得以产生。

    Tensor analysis creates on the basis of non-Euclidean geometry and abstract algebra appearance .

  18. 各向异性介质的温度场和热扩散张量分析

    Analysis on Thermal Diffusivity Tensor of Anisotropic Media

  19. 由于广义相对论的成功,张量分析逐渐被人们所重视。

    People have regarded tensor analysis gradually , because of the success of general relativity theory .

  20. 而张量分析与黎曼几何的深入发展,极大地促进了现代数学的进步。

    Moreover , tensor analysis and Riemannian geometry developed deeply which promotes modern math development further .

  21. 张量分析在大地电磁测深法勘探中有许多重要的应用。

    There are many great applications of the tensor analysis in survey with the magnetotelluric sounding method .

  22. 拉伸基底加载成骨类细胞内应变张量分析

    An Analysis to the Strain Tensor of Osteoblasts Spreading on Substrate in Both Uniaxial and Biaxial Tensile Loading Experiments

  23. 更重要的是规范场论和弦理论的建立,张量分析被应用到了更加广泛的领域。

    Moreover , tensor analysis has been applied in more fields due to the foundation of gage theory and subtense theory .

  24. 用非笛卡儿张量分析建立数学模型研究影响螺旋状管对流换热的因素

    Application of Non-Cartesian Tensor Analysis Constructed Mathematical Model Investigate for the Effect of Parameters on Convective Heat Transfer Characterstics in a Helicoidal Pipe

  25. 张量分析作为解决曲线坐标系中微分运算的数学方法,是从高斯的内蕴几何开始孕育的。

    As a kind of math methods to solve the problem of differential coefficient operation of curvilinear coordinates series , tensor analysis was origin from Gauss ' intrinsic ideas .

  26. 弥散张量分析不仅对于研究健康组织的结构及其功能,而且对于探讨某些影响组织结构连贯性的疾病也有重要意义。

    Diffusion Tensor Image Analysis not only useful to study well structure and functions of human organization , but also useful to discover disease which affect continue of structure of organization .

  27. 采用二阶流体本构关系和张量分析方法,导出了预测聚合物熔体在锥形口型流动中压力变化的方程式。

    An express describing the entry pressure variation for the sample flow in conical dies was presented by using the constitutive equation of the second - order fluid and a tensor analysis method .

  28. 为了避免利用特征对应关系,本文给出在仿射变换系统中的张量分析方法,也给出模拟实验结果数据。

    In order to avoid using the relationship of feature correspondence , the tensor analysis method in the affine transformation system is presented , and the simulation data of experimental results are given .

  29. 本文利用S&族坐标系和张量分析工具,建立了一级近似理论的数学模型,并且给出了有限元解的误差估计。

    It is the present purpose to establish the formulation of a kind for the mathematical model of first approximation linear theory of thin-walled shells and to provide error estimates of finite element solution .

  30. 本文以张量分析作为数学手段,将研究物体形变的运动学与全息像的形成相结合,利用光程差及光程差的一阶、二阶微商导出漫射物表面及内部应变与转动测量关系式。

    In this paper , by using the tensor analysis as a mathematical means , the kinematics of the deformation of the object to be studied is combined with the formation of its holographic image .