
  1. 儿时的经历让张巍知道,潮流和政治可以造就英雄,也让他们过气,甚至让他们成为反派。

    Mr. Zhang knows from his childhood that heroes come and go , depending on fashion and politics , and can even become villains .

  2. 母亲在剧团里唱歌、跳舞,表演中国民间故事剧目,是张巍最早的记忆之一。

    In his earliest memories , Zhang Wei recalls his mother singing and dancing in a theatrical troupe , performing operatic versions of Chinese folk tales .

  3. 张巍把这个计划称为《人工剧团》,因为他认为,随着中国社会的变迁,他的同胞扮演了一系列角色,然后又丢弃了他们。

    Mr. Zhang calls his project " Artificial Theater " because he sees his countrymen taking on a series of roles and discarding them as Chinese society changes .

  4. 张巍从2007年开始捕捉普通中国人的“21世纪的心态”,用简单直白的方式拍下数百人的肖像。

    Mr. Zhang set out in 2007 to capture the " 21st century mind-set " of the average Chinese person and photographed hundreds of people in simple , direct portraits .

  5. 张巍说,在随后的几十年里,经济快速增长、城市化,以及零星的政治自由化大大改变了中国,以至于中国人面临着一种存在的挑战。

    Rapid economic growth , urbanization and sporadic political liberalization over the following decades , Mr. Zhang said , changed the country to such an extent that the Chinese people faced an existential challenge .

  6. 他们的身份似乎总是处在转型期,张巍解释说,就好像他母亲从一个角色转化到另一个角色。“今天是一个穷光蛋,明天可能就变成了百万富翁,”他说。

    Their identity seemed to be always in transition , he explained , shifting as rapidly as his mother did from one role to another . " Someone who used to be dirt poor can suddenly become a millionaire , " he said .