
  1. 星期五的票?对不起,一张也没有了。

    Tickets for Friday ? Sorry we 've got none left .

  2. 这张也还不错。我们就坐这儿。

    This one is fine too . We 'll take it .

  3. 对不起,那一张也已用电话预订了。

    Sorry , that one has been booked by telephone too .

  4. 一张也没有为什么姑娘们不喜欢你?

    None . How come girls don 't like you ?

  5. 我的照相机坏了,所以滑雪的照片一张也冲不出来。

    My camera was broken and none of the skiing photographs came out .

  6. 你的图呢?一张也没见到啊。

    Where are your pictures ? I can 't see any of them .

  7. 老皮三张久已不存,另外两张也不存了。

    The three older skins disappeared long ago and now the other two are gone .

  8. 你以自己的节奏过着自己的生活,不用慌张也不用担惊受怕!

    You live life at your own speed , with no hurries and no worries !

  9. 可是一张也没有采用,全退回来了。

    But they hadn 't used a single one ; they 'd sent them all back .

  10. 但克林顿获取支持的州给了压倒优势的370张选举人票,相比之下给了布什168张,佩罗一张也没有。

    but Clinton won in states that gave him an overwhelming 370 electoral votes , compared with 168 for Bush and none for Perot .

  11. 我们来这儿是为了199美元的电视,不是为了得到信用卡没错,但来一张也没什么,对吧?

    We came here for the $ 199 TV , not a credit card . Yeah , but you could use one , right ?

  12. 在这情况下拍出来的照片就是副产品,我自己则可能一张也不打印出来。

    If there is photography in this sort of situation then it is a by-product , and I may not make any prints for myself .

  13. 范博文的诗意立刻被打断了,他慌慌张张也站起来,看着林佩珊,不很明白为什么她突然要回去。

    His poetic mood was immediately extinguished . He stood up and looked at her in bewilderment , wondering why she was in such a hurry .

  14. 他站在那儿收着空白支票,大约收了一百万年,一张也不让错过,怕漏掉签了字的。

    He stood there and received the blanks for a million years or so , never letting one go by for fear it might be filled out .

  15. 青蛙的叫声也许比牛更响亮,但它们却不能拉动田中的犁耕,不能转动酒坊里的碾磨,青蛙的皮张也无法制成靴子。

    Frogs may bellow louder than bulls , but they cannot drag the plough in the field not turn the wheel of the winepress , and of their skins you cannot make shoes .

  16. 比如说,一位受访者建议做空阿里巴巴,原因是尽管该公司通过硅谷云服务中心在美扩张也能算是兴奋点,但此举或许只是为了给股价持续滑坡前所遇到的困境打掩护。

    For example , one person recommended shorting the stock , reasoning that while people may be excited about Alibaba expanding the U.S. by opening a cloud service in Silicon Valley , that might only gloss over Alibaba 's struggles before the stock continues its downslide .

  17. 1992年,克林顿只得到43%的大众选票,相比之下布什得到38%,佩罗19%。但克林顿获取支持的州给了压倒优势的370张选举人票,相比之下给了布什168张,佩罗一张也没有。

    Clinton received only 43 percent of the popular vote in 1992 , compared with Bush 's 38 percent and Perot 's 19 percent ; but Clinton won in states that gave him an overwhelming 370 electoral votes , compared with 168 for Bush and none for Perot .