
  • 网络William Chang;William CHANG Suk Ping;William Cheung;Just day by day
  1. 当张叔平(WilliamChangSuk-ping)接到他年迈的母亲从香港打来的电话时,他正忙着为一部电影布景。

    William Chang Suk-ping was busy on a Beijing film set when he got a phone call from his octogenarian mother , who lives in Hong Kong .

  2. 在近四十年的电影制作生涯中,张叔平曾摘得数十项国际大奖,其中包括凭藉《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)在戛纳电影节获得的技术大奖。

    The honor comes after almost four decades of filmmaking punctuated by dozens of international accolades -- including a technical prize at Cannes for ' In the Mood for Love , ' set in the 1960s Hong Kong of his childhood .

  3. 从香港的点心聊起,张叔平和本报记者谈到了他的电影和室内设计工作、在eBay购物寻找灵感以及他对中式设计真实性的追求。以下是访谈摘要:

    Straight from dim sum in Hong Kong with his mother and brother , he spoke with the Journal about his careers in film and interior decoration , shopping on eBay for inspiration , and his pursuit of authenticity in Chinese design .

  4. 她对张叔平说,你必须去!

    She told him : ' You have to go !

  5. 据他说,房子的装修是张叔平设计的。

    According to him , the house was designed by William Chan .

  6. 奥斯卡提名是对张叔平细致入微地刻画从二十世纪初到二十世纪五十年代中国风格的认可。

    The Oscar nomination recognizes the 60-year-old Mr. Chang 's meticulous interpretation of Chinese style from the early 1900s to the 1950s .

  7. 张叔平多才多艺,常常身兼数职,王家卫导演的所有故事片都由他担任艺术指导、服装设计和剪辑。他和几乎所有中国大导演都有过合作。

    Famously publicity-shy , the multitasking Mr. Chang has art-directed , designed costumes for , and edited all of Mr. Wong 's feature films , and has worked with nearly every major Chinese director .

  8. 张叔平笑着说道,大家都给我打电话,想要说服我出席典礼,因为他们都觉得我不会去,他们知道我不喜欢出席颁奖典礼,不过,我肯定会去奥斯卡的,至少得去一次,对吗?

    Everyone is calling , trying to convince me to go because they all thought I won 't go since they know I don 't like attending awards , ' Mr. Chang recently said , laughing . ' But of course I 'm going to the Oscars . At least once , right ? '