
zhānɡ lì jì
  • tensiometer
  1. 两组均采用张力计法测定胃粘膜内pH。

    The intragastric mucosa pH value ( pHi ) of patients was monitored by tensiometer .

  2. (电阻)应变式张力计分辩力真空电阻凸焊有限元分析及优化设计

    ( resistance ) strain gauge tensiometer resolution Vacuum Projection Welding Simulation and Optimizing Design

  3. 本实验采用空气胃张力计连续监测CPB期间胃肠组织的灌注情况。

    In our study , air-tonometry was adopted to monitor gastrointestinal mucosa perfusion continuously during cardiopulmonary bypass .

  4. 测量两组患者治疗前及治疗72h时胃张力计盐水胃黏膜pH值(pHi)。

    The gastric pHi was measured before the treatment and at the 72 h after the treatment respectively in two groups .

  5. 通过德国DONOUY表面张力计,测得其表面张力也有所降低;

    The surface tension was measured using German DO NOUY surface tension equipment , and the values of it were decreased .

  6. 这儿放个张力计,这里也要一个,底下也有,一个张力计,挂着4kg物体。

    We put in here a tension meter , we put in here a tension meter and the bottom one , we hang on a string with a tension meter and then here we put four kilograms .

  7. 本文通过用张力计实时监测裸土及地膜覆盖条件下土壤水分的变化状况,分析了0~50cm深度范围内的土壤吸力的变化过程。

    The variety of soil moisture was monitored in the evaporation condition with bare soil and stalk mulching by using tensionmeter . The soil suction change during evaporation process in the depth of 0-50 cm was analyzed in the bare soil and stalk mulching .

  8. 关键点张力计算法在带式输送机设计中的应用

    Application of algorithm for calculating tension at critical points to belt conveyor

  9. 在土水特征曲线测量试验中张力计测出了与压力板仪基本一致的曲线。

    Soil-water characteristics curves measured by tensiometer and pressure plate are nearly consistent .

  10. 肺泡表面张力计的研究

    Study on the surface tension measurer for pulmonary alveolus

  11. 目的:评价空气胃张力计在失血性休克病人中的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To assess the value of air tonometry in hemorragic shock .

  12. 空气胃张力计在失血性休克中的应用

    Clinical Use of Air Tonometry in Hemorrhagic Shock

  13. 土壤湿度转换器将张力计转换成土壤湿度记录器。

    Soil Moisture Transducer Turn your tensiometer into a soil moisture data logger with this transducer unit .

  14. 大量研究表明胃肠张力计能敏感、可靠的评估内脏组织灌注及氧合状态。

    Many research reported that gastrointestinal tonometry could assess the perfusion and oxygenation of visceral organs reliably and sensitively .

  15. 张力计是必须的,这儿很难办,相信我。

    Well , we put in these lines , scales , tension meters and that is problematic , believe me .

  16. 张力计本身的设计以及特定的饱和过程保证了该张力计能够测量高于100kPa的基质吸力。

    The manufacture of the tensiometer and certain saturation procedures assure that the tensiometer can measure matric suction in soil above 100 kPa .

  17. 试验过程中,电阻湿度计、亲水性张力计和厌水性张力计分别用来测定水的饱和度、水的毛细张力和油的毛细张力;

    Resistivity probes , hydrophilic tensiometers and hydrophobic tensiometers were developed to estimate water saturation , water capillary force and NAPLs capillary force , respectively .

  18. 空气胃张力计是监测组织血流灌注敏感的无创指标,在临床麻醉工作中值得推广使用。

    Gastrointestinal air-tonometry is a sensitive and noninvasive method that monitors gastrointestinal tissue perfusion continuously . Tonometry should be applied extensively in clinical anesthesia performance .

  19. 这种张力计系统使用于塑料、纸张、织品和钢铁工业,在原料类型千变万化的情况下,指示和监控其张力。

    The tensionmeter system is used in plastics , paper , textile and steel industries to indicate and monitor the tension in various types of materials .

  20. 在分析土壤水分特征曲线经验模型中特征参数的基础上,选取5种不同质地土壤,利用张力计测定了土壤水分特征曲线,根据实验资料确定了土壤水分特征曲线经验模型中参数。

    Based on the analysis of model parameters of soil water retention curve , the parameters were determined by five types of soil water retention curve data .

  21. 用张力计法测量了黄白土的持水特性及施用有机物料对其保水和供水性能的影响。

    The main objectives were to study the property of holding water of yellow white soil and the effects of applying organic matter on its holding and supplying water by tensiometer .

  22. 为了探讨蛋白质溶液表面张力的变化规律,本文利用表面张力计和食品流变学方法系统地研究了蛋白质溶液表面张力随液滴停留时间的变化及其与功能性质的关系。

    The change of surface tension in protein solutions with drop staying-time and the relationship between their surface tension and functional properties have been studied by the methods of surface tension meter and food rheology .

  23. 结果表明:(1)在张力计测定范围内,黄白土土壤水吸力与含水量之间表现出显著的线性相关。

    The results of study demonstrated that : ( 1 ) In range of tensiometer measurement , there was a kind of obvious linear relationship between soil water suction and content of the yellow white soil ;

  24. 该仪器利用张力计原理,采用一个传感器结合多个探头的方法,对传统技术进行了改进,其测定精度可达到±1KPa。

    The theory of the new instrument is the same as that of the tensiometer except for some improvement to the traditional technology by combining a sensor with several probes and higher precision , ± 1 KPa .

  25. 张力计是一种直接测量土中基质吸力的常用传感器,普通张力计由于其内部水体易发生汽化的原因而只能测量100kPa以内的吸力。

    Tensiometer is a sensor used for directly measuring matric suction in soil . The measurement range of conventional tensiometer has generally been confined to less than 100 kPa due to the cavitation of water in the tensiometer .

  26. 介绍滤纸法现场测量基质吸力的装置和测量结果,并与张力计测量结果、水土特征曲线算得的结果相比较,说明研制的装置简单实用。

    A device for field measurement of matric suction and its measured results are introduced in this paper . The results are compared with that from tensiometer method and SWCC , which illustrate that the device is simple and practical .