
  • 网络Architectural Lighting Design
  1. 本文根据国际照明委员会(CIE)提出的照明节能措施,结合新的《建筑照明设计标准》,指出了开展建筑照明节能研究工作的几个有效方向。

    According to the CIE 's method for energy conservation of Lighting and Standard for lighting design of buildings , this paper points out the effective ways for energy conservation of building lighting .

  2. 实施绿色照明工程已列入国家十一五节能专项规划,《建筑照明设计标准》(GB50034-2004)已实施两年。

    The implementation of green lighting program had been listed in the energy efficiency part of " Eleventh Five-Year " Plan , and " Standard for lighting design of buildings " had been carried out for two years .

  3. 学校教室的采光照明问题是保护学生视力健康的重要部分。2004年我国重新修订了国家标准《建筑照明设计标准》GB50034-2004。

    The daylighting and lighting of classrooms are important elements to students ' eye health condition and the national standard , GB 50034-2004 , is revised in 2004 . This article investigates and analyse the daylighting and lighting conditions of some classrooms in Beijing .

  4. 建筑照明设计中不舒适眩光的限制

    Restriction on uncomfortable glare in the design of architectural lighting

  5. 建筑照明设计的文化表意

    The Cultural Meaning of Architecture Lighting Design

  6. 谈商业建筑照明设计

    Lighting design of commercial buildings

  7. 基于建筑照明设计标准,以触摸屏为核心,设计了一整套照明节能方案。

    This paper provides the sample of factory lighting power saving design based on constructions lighting design standard .

  8. 浙江映嘉环境设计工程有限公司是一家具备城市道路照明、景观照明及建筑照明设计和安装一体化服务的专业工程公司。

    Zhejiang Azalea Environment Design Construction is a construction company has professional certificates on road lighting , landscape lighting , building lighting design and construction .

  9. 建筑照明设计不仅仅是建筑设计的技术支持,而是基于对建筑的分析和理解基础上的创造性劳动。

    Illumination design is not merely the technical supports of architecture design , but a creative activity based on the analyses and the comprehension of architecture .

  10. 从概述、编制过程、指导思想、编制主要依据、新标准的变化、预期达到的目标、实施效果等七个方面,论述了新编《建筑照明设计标准》(GB500342004)的编制情况及内容。

    This paper introduces compilation and contents of new standard for lighting design of buildings ( GB50034-2004 ) . It includes : summarizing , compiling process , the thought of guildline , main basis , variation of new standard , expection target for attaining , implementing results etc.

  11. 宣传贯彻《建筑照明设计标准》(GB500342004),指出目前照明节能存在的一些认识观念的问题,最后论述了直管荧光灯在实际应用中的几个问题。

    The paper aims at propagating and carrying out standard for lighting design of buildings ( GB50034 、 2004 ) . It points out some problems of understandings on lighting energy saving at present . A few issues of straight tube fluorescent lamp in application are discussed at last .

  12. 古建筑夜景照明设计和小功率LED在设计中的运用

    Lighting Design of Chinese Traditional Buildings and Application of New Type of Little Power LED

  13. 基于专家数据库(ED)技术的建筑立面照明设计系统的研究

    Research of Building Elevation Face Lighting Design System Based on ED ( Expert Database ) Technique

  14. 建筑泛光照明设计现状及最新技术

    The Present Condition of Building Flood Lighting Design and the Modern Technology

  15. 建筑立面照明工程设计算法

    The Algorithm Study on the Illumination Engineering Design for Build 's Elevation

  16. 浅谈民用建筑的应急照明设计

    Illumination Design of Emergency Lights in Civil Buildings

  17. 现代建筑室内照明艺术设计

    Artistic Design of Interior Illumination in Modern Buildings

  18. 标准中规定的办公建筑照明功率密度设计指标其效率等级已达到国际先进水平。

    The LPDs of office buildings in this standard have reached the international advanced lever .

  19. 最后介绍了办公建筑电气照明节能设计要注意的其它问题。

    Finally , the paper introduces some other problems which need to be paid more attention in the lighting energy-conservation design .

  20. 欧式古典建筑夜景观照明设计有其自身的艺术规律,勃兰登堡门照明工程为人们提供了又一个值得思考、借鉴的范例。

    The landscape lighting design to classical Europe building follows some artistic rule . The lighting project of Brandenburg Gate is taken as a good example to evaluate .

  21. 介绍大连中山广场十大欧式建筑外立面照明设计思想、设计方案、照明方式、灯具、光源的选择,以及布灯思路、照明控制方式等。

    Lighting system design of external facade of ten European style buildings in Dalian Zhongshan Square are introduced , i.e.lighting design thoughts , design plan , lighting way , selection of luminaire and source , and luminaire arrangement thoughts and control way etc.

  22. 在将人工神经网络理论应用于建筑照明的计算和设计的同时,以MATLAB作为开发工具,构建了一个建筑照明的仿真软件。

    The procedure which the simulating software on architectural lighting has been exploited by the matlab language as tool and by artificial neural network as theory is presented in this paper .

  23. 有关建筑照明和照度水平设计与研究

    Study and design of illumination and illuminance level for related buildings

  24. 建筑空间形态与照明设计的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Combination of Architectural Design and Lighting Design

  25. 浅谈建筑消防应急照明系统设计存在的问题

    The problems in the design of emergency lighting for fire protection

  26. 上海南京东路步行街建筑小品泛光照明设计

    Flood Lighting Design of Small Architectural Articles on Walk Street Nanjing East Road Shanghai

  27. 公司主要服务范围包括规划、建筑及景观的照明设计。

    The firm specializes in Urban Lighting Design , Architectural Lighting Design and Landscape Lighting Design .

  28. 文摘:重点阐述了现代建筑中照明系统的设计与计算,并简介了高层建筑的防雷及接地设计。

    Abstract : the design and calculation of illumination system for modern architecture were emphatically described , and lightning protection and grounding design of high-rise building were briefly introduced .

  29. 最终提出一套适合重庆地区工业厂房天窗采光的设计策略,同时希望本文研究结果对其它地区的同类建筑在采光和照明设计上起到一定的借鉴作用。

    Finally , putting forward a skylight daylighting design strategy for industrial workshop in Chongqing area . Meanwhile , the results of this study could be useful for the lighting design of the industrial buildings in other areas .

  30. 城市夜景风貌是当前城市建设一个热点,建筑设计者了解建筑立面构造设计与建筑立面照明的关系和建筑景观照明的常用设计方法是有必要的。

    It is quite necessary for building designers to understand the relationship between the facade fabric design and the facade lighting design of a building and know the design method as well .